13 Uses You Can Give Neutral Soap In Your Home

Neutral soap is a product whose formulation is balanced, which indicates that it is not very alkaline, nor very degreasing, nor is it too flavored.

The pH of this product is maintained at 5.5, so that it ensures an adequate level for the alkalinity of the skin and protection against external agents.

Thanks to these characteristics, it is recommended for those with sensitive skin, with an oily tendency or who have allergies to other types of soaps.

However, beyond having this type of application, its properties can be used in various tasks in the kitchen and at home.

Here we reveal 13 alternative uses so that you do not hesitate to make it your ally.

Do not miss them!

1. Clean miscellaneous objects

Clean miscellaneous objects

The foam of this type of soap is ideal for cleaning many items that tend to get dirty continuously.

Use it on:

  • Glass elements
  • Door handles
  • Hardware
  • Switch plates
  • Dirty furniture
  • Decoration articles

2. Remove squeak from doors

That uncomfortable squeak that occurs in the locks and door handles can be eliminated with the application of neutral soap.

You just have to moisten it and rub it in the space between the frame and the hinge. Make sure you cover it well and move the back door forward.

You can also apply it directly to the hinge.

3. Avoid musty smell

Avoid musty smell

Cut a bar of neutral soap into several cubes and put it in drawers, cabinets and empty suitcases in order to prevent the smell of mold or humidity.

4. Stop wood floor squeaks

Another sound that bothers us in the home are those annoying squeaks that occur in the wooden floorboards.

To stop it for good, moisten a little mild soap and apply it to the cracks between each board.

5. Loosen a rigid lock

If you start to feel that your locks are stiff and rusty, lubricate them every day with a little mild soap until they are completely softened.

6. Extract a tight ring

A ring that is too tight seems impossible to get off the finger. However, if you rub it with the foam of this soap you can easily slide it in a matter of seconds.

7. Glass cleaner

As it does not contain harsh chemicals, this ingredient can be used for cleaning delicate glass surfaces and glasses.

Its properties facilitate the removal of dust stains and do not leave marks after rinsing.

8. Detect gas leaks

If you suspect a gas leak, you can confirm it with a simple mixture of neutral soap with water.

Rub it on the suspect pipe, and if bubbles do form, there is indeed a leak that needs to be corrected.

9. Glue nails

Glue nails

So that the wood is not damaged when you hit some nails, rub a little soap suds and let it absorb for a few seconds.

10. Lubricate metal rails

Due to its consistency and compounds, this product is a good lubricant for metal rails that allow desk drawers to run better.

Dampen it with water, generate a little foam and rub it with the help of a cloth.

11. Fix a zipper

Sometimes the zippers on pants or jackets lose their ability to slide and make the task of closing difficult.

A simple way to correct this problem is to lubricate it with a little mild soap applied to both sides.

Close it well, apply the soap and lower the closure so that the product is spread over all open teeth.

12. Clean marble floors

Cleaning floors with mild soap

Neutral soap with hot water is one of the best products for keeping sagging marble floors spotless.

You just have to put a splash of soap in a bucket with plenty of water and proceed to cleaning for about 15 minutes.

Repeat this every day until the floor recovers the look you want.

13. Clean dishes

Instead of using the conventional dishwasher, grate three tablespoons of mild soap and mix them with a liter of hot water and half a cup of vinegar.

This natural product will leave your dishes free of grease, bad smells and bacteria.

Did you know about these uses of neutral soap? Now that you know how to get the most out of its properties, don’t hesitate to keep it in your pantry.

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