2 Diuretic Juices That Will Help You Cleanse Your Kidneys

Although the kidneys have the ability to purify themselves, the truth is that it is convenient to give them extra help so that they facilitate their task and that they fulfill it in a optimal

The body in general is not exempt from the agglomeration of toxins. It does not matter the triggers of these; each place in it tends to suffer from various problems due to its accumulation.

For this reason there are groups of organs with similar functions, which consist of purifying the entire body in different ways.

This is the case of the kidneys, a pair of organs located in the lower back of the trunk, on each side of the spinal column and in the most posterior part of the viscera.

These  are responsible for keeping the body in the best of conditions through blood filtration. Through this they absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins or other harmful components for the body.

The elimination of toxins accumulated in the body is essential for the health of the body in general.

However, the prevention of various ailments must also be promoted externally.

You should not mind the automatic detox function of the same, if we do not help you it can be dangerous.

Influential factors in the accumulation of toxins

Influential factors in the accumulation of toxins

The human being must try to help himself to lead a healthy life, free from suffering; Since it is logical to be prone to diseases, a helping hand to prevent them never hurts.

This happens with the factors influencing the accumulation of toxins within the body. Many of them can be controlled and thus help the body in a good way.

Here are the main reasons:

  • Sedentary.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Lack of hydration.
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Tobacco use.

Reasons to cleanse the kidneys

With the introduction, the importance of proper cleaning is practically clear. However, it is worth putting a little emphasis on the relevance of the kidneys within the body.

Its main function is filtration, commonly known as “real function”. During this, both organs are responsible for cleaning the blood and separating nutrients from things unnecessary for the body.

The moment they begin to fail, this relevant operation presents problems and the following may occur:

  • Kidney infections: Also called urinary tract infection, it occurs due to the agglomeration of bacteria in the ureters and bladder, reaching the kidneys.
  • Kidney Stones: Also known as “stones.” The influencing factors in these are diverse.

The most successful argument suggests that its formation is the accumulation of substances in the urine, which travel through the urinary tract and are deposited in the kidneys.

  • Diabetic nephropathy: The nephrons belong to the kidney and are responsible for the filtering process.

In case of diabetes, these can begin to thicken, and can lead to the problem in question, which is silent but dangerous.

How to clean the kidneys?

Supporting these organs in their detoxification process is the best way to prevent the accumulation of toxins and therefore the diseases related to them.

Therefore, it is recommended to adopt healthy habits and lifestyles.

We can include in our day to day a series of completely natural diuretic juices to support its function.

Diuretic juices to detoxify the kidneys

Green apple and spinach

Despite being a very good and natural alternative, its excessive consumption can bring with it various side effects.

Therefore, diuretic juices to detoxify the kidneys should be consumed for a maximum of 3 consecutive days.

1. Cranberry and pineapple juice


  • ½ cup of blueberries (75 g)
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • ½ beet
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • ½ cup of watercress (15 g)
  • Water (optional)

Preparation and consumption

  • Wash the ingredients separately.
  • Add all the ingredients to the blender and process for about a minute, or until you get a homogeneous and lump-free mixture.
  • If it is thick add water. It is recommended to avoid the use of honey in diabetic people.
  • This juice should be consumed on an empty stomach.

2. Parsley and pineapple juice


  • 1 tablespoon of parsley (10 g)
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Preparation and consumption

  • Add the parsley and pineapple slices to the blender, and mix with a spoon.
  • Pour the glass of water into the previous mixture.
  • Process in the blender for approximately one minute.
  • It is recommended to consume it at the time of making it.

Note : The intake of parsley in excess is completely discouraged in case of pregnancy, since its tea can have abortifacient effects.

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