3 Delicious Recipes For Vegetable Pizzas

Vegetable pizzas are ideal for dinner or lunch. It is a good way to include vegetables in the diet of the smallest of the house. In addition, they themselves can help us to prepare these simple healthy and tasty recipes.


vegetable cauliflower pizza

1. Vegetable cauliflower pizza

It is one of the healthiest vegetable pizzas you can try. In addition, it is easy to do and you will like to make it together with the little ones. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • cauliflower that will serve as the base of the pizza along with the cheese.
  • 1 boiled egg.
  • Cherry tomatoes, the amount varies depending on how big our dough is.
  • 150 gr of grated mozzarella cheese.
  • 100 grams of Parmesan cheese that together with the cauliflower will serve as the base.
  • Fried tomato.
  • Oregano.
  • Basil.


The first thing is to clean the cauliflower,  removing the stems. Next, to make it much easier, you can cut the cauliflower into small pieces. To grate it, use a cheese grater. Once you have grated it, put it on a paper suitable for the microwave in a round shape.

Continue adding the Parmesan cheese over the cauliflower. Put the microwave on maximum power for 10 minutes. You should know that the cauliflower together with the cheese will serve as the base for our vegetable pizza.

Now, add the hard-boiled egg and the mozzarella cheese. Next, spread the mixture on a baking sheet. Bake at 180ºC for about 20 minutes. Once the time has passed, our pizza base will be golden brown, we take it out of the oven.

The next step will be to add some fried tomato, some cherry tomatoes cut in half, oregano and grated cheese. Then put it in the oven to grill for about five minutes.  Finally add a little basil.

vegetable zucchini pizza

3. Vegetable spinach pizza


  • 10 cherry tomatoes.
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce.
  • 200 g of fresh spinach.
  • 2 pieces of goat cheese.
  • 5 walnuts
  • You can prepare the dough according to the previous indications, or if you wish you can buy a ready-made one.

Form of elaboration

Once you have prepared the dough, the first thing we will do is add the spinach. Sure you think there are too many, but as you know, when baking they decrease a lot. On the spinach we put the cheese in pieces.

Goat cheese is ideal because it combines exquisitely with spinach. Also don’t forget the tomatoes cut in half and the walnuts, also chopped. If you add a splash of olive oil on top, it will be delicious. Bake at 220º until the cheese begins to brown.

As you can see, these vegetable pizza recipes are really easy. You can prepare them together with the little ones in the house, in this way they will have fun and know that it is always more advisable to prepare the pizzas at home than to buy them prepared. They are ideal as dinner or lunch once a week.

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