3 Names By Which Sugar Is Known On Labels

Sugar is one of the most harmful ingredients for health. It has been shown to influence the metabolism of the human body generating a negative impact on the functioning of the pancreas when consumed in excess. Except in the case of athletes, the less consumed, the better. Therefore, it is good to know what are the names by which sugar is known on the labels.

Before going into the matter, we must emphasize that for many years fats were demonized in the wrong and exaggerated way. It was thought that these were the only causes of chronic and complex diseases, when in fact sugar is part of the problem.

What is added sugar?

When interpreting nutritional labels, it is necessary to differentiate between naturally present sugar and added sugar. The first is the one that is found in fresh foods, such as fructose in fruit.

However, the additive is thoroughly introduced into industrial products with the aim of improving the organoleptic characteristics of the resulting element.

The result of this addition is an increase in peak blood glucose, which can lead to insulin resistance in the medium term. This situation leads to a metabolic inflexibility that ends with the appearance of type 2 diabetes. This is indicated by a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition .

Cubed sugar in a bowl.

3 ways to name added sugar on labels

We are going to tell you under which 3 names added sugar can appear on nutritional labels, so that you can thus identify its presence.

1. Honey

Despite the fact that many identify honey as a healthy product, the truth is that it contains a large proportion of sugar. Adding this ingredient to an industrial food means significantly increasing the number of carbohydrates it contains.

Many experts defend the health properties of certain compounds in honey, such as royal jelly. This substance has been shown to be effective in promoting a better functioning of the immune system. However, the compound can be isolated, in such a way that its consumption does not involve an excessive dose of simple carbohydrates.

2. Fructose syrup

Fructose is a type of sugar, specifically the one found in fruit. It is true that its consumption, accompanied by the fiber in these foods, does not have a negative impact on the body. However, when it is administered freely, in sugary soft drinks for example, the question changes.

There is evidence that said substance is capable of stimulating the development of liver diseases, which conditions metabolism. This situation leads to the development of complex diseases of greater severity, so we must pay attention to this sugar on the labels.

3. Panela

This is another version of added sugar with a less negative connotation. Despite the fact that the industry has generated marketing in this regard, in which it is affirmed that this substance has less impact on health, the truth is that it acts in a very similar way to glucose.

It is a bit more nutritious from a mineral point of view, but this is not enough added value. What is clear is that ingesting this ingredient regularly also increases the risk of developing metabolic-type pathologies, among which type 2 diabetes stands out.

Blood glucose measurement after consuming sugar.

Why is it important to watch for sugar on labels?

As we have commented, the consumption of added sugars is capable of generating a negative impact on the body. It promotes obesity and overweight, as well as pancreatic and liver diseases.

Similarly, higher sugar consumption is associated with increased systemic inflammation. This situation is related to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems, due to the increase in blood pressure and the formation of atheroma plaques.

Beware of added sugar

As you have seen, the industry manages to introduce added sugar into its products without the consumer being able to perceive it. In this way, you can generate extremely palatable food, which causes a very positive economic return. However, the health implications are not good.

For this reason, it is essential that you are always attentive to nutritional labels. You have to know the different ways to name added sugar to avoid consuming said ingredient unconsciously.

As a general rule, prepared foods, pastries and sweets usually contain it in their composition. But even some preserves and pickles are also likely to include it among their ingredients. Do not trust yourself and always pay attention.

Finally, remember that sugar consumption problems can be partially alleviated through regular physical activity. This prevents overweight and insulin resistance.

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