5 Fun Water Sports

On boards or skis, in motorized vehicles or down river on a boat, water sports offer not only variety, but also an unbeatable dose of adrenaline. Know some alternatives!

If you are planning to have an unforgettable vacation and have a destination near the sea, river or another watercourse, it might be a very good idea to experiment with the many water sports that exist today. These are ideal activities to enjoy with your friends or family.

In addition to having fun, with the following sports you will keep in shape during the holidays and you will have the opportunity to experience the beach from another perspective. Of course, they also carry risks and precautions are necessary. We will talk about all this below.

5 fun water sports

First of all, a brief review of the basic security measures:

  • You must know how to swim to practice any of these sports.
  • You should always wear a life jacket and helmet, depending on the discipline.
  • Supervision of a more experienced person is essential to help you if necessary.

As Medrano and Moreno, experts from the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia, explain, it is not necessary for these disciplines to be practiced competitively. It is also possible that they have utilitarian purposes —improving health, for example—, educational or simply recreational.

In another publication, Moreno and Gutiérrez, from the same university, affirm that the practice of water sports is increasing decade after decade, mainly in the younger population. Here are some fun water sports you could try.

1. Kite surfing

The kite surfing  is also known as fly surfing or kite boarding . It is a water sliding sport. As its name in English indicates, the person who performs the sport is attached to a kind of kite or parachute through ropes and a harness. Meanwhile, he has a board attached to his feet, which will allow him to slide through the water.

This is a sport that is conditioned by the characteristics of the climate. You necessarily depend for your practice on the speed of the wind and the force of the sea during that moment. In addition, it is considered high risk.

However, it is also a lot of fun if it is practiced with all the care it requires. You can kite surfing in places such as reservoirs or lakes, where the wind and water are calm and can be carried out safely.

The places that are most famous for practicing this sport are El Médano beach, in Tenerife, or Tarifa, both in Spain. It is also done a lot in Cape Town, South Africa.

2. Water skiing

Second on this list is water skiing. This aquatic discipline is a fusion between skiing and surfing, and was an exhibition sport during the 1972 Olympic Games.

The person who practices this sport must stand on skis, while being attached to a high-powered boat with ropes. When the practitioner is ready, the boat should accelerate so that the skier begins to pick up speed.

Both the rope used and the board must have specific characteristics. This is a very exciting sport, which can be done with two skis or with just one.

As you have seen on more than one occasion, water skiing is one of the most popular sports on the coasts. It requires balance and very good reflexes, as well as a great desire to venture.

3. Rafting,  one of the most extreme water sports

The rafting is the third of the water sports here we introduce. This consists of making a journey along the course of a river, following the current downstream.

This sport is generally carried out in groups and in boats such as canoes, rafts or kayaks. The rivers where this type of route is usually carried out are called white water rivers, since they present a degree of turbulence that causes a foam of that color to be produced.

The river chosen will depend on the skills of the athlete. The difficulty varies considerably from one to another, depending on the width, length, flow, speed of the water, number of obstacles, among others. So, if you plan to add this sport to your vacation, research the requirements well.

4. Jet ski

Another of the water sports that we could not fail to include is jet skiing . This is a widely used option, which of course includes jet skis and requires large spaces, such as the sea or lagoons.

Apart from having a lot of fun, you should know that jet skis are considered eco-motorized transports,  because they have a turbine propulsion system that provides oxygen to the water.

5. Skimboard

If you did not know it, we present it to you. The skimboard is a fun water sport that originated in California. It consists of throwing a medium-sized board on the shore of the beach, or a little further inland, and then getting on it and trying to stay on it for as long as possible.

Enjoy the summer with water sports!

Ultimately, keep in mind that there may be contraindications to these sports that are so demanding on the body. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor before if you think it could be risky for your health.

Taking the necessary precautions, having a fun time practicing one of these water sports is a very rewarding experience. If you didn’t have it in mind, go ahead and practice them!

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