5 Requirements To Be Able To Dialogue With Children In A Simple Way

Talking with your children is a habit that is always good to keep at home. The task of talking with the children has to be done on a daily basis. With this you teach them how to express themselves, how to communicate and how to interact with other people.

Often as parents, we want children to tell their experiences, what they think of the conversations that take place at a certain time as a family. To the point of becoming interrogators, sermonizers, or both.

At the time this occurs, good communication is not being established. For this reason, it is important to learn to listen, even if it is difficult at first.

Dialogue with the children

It seems easy to talk with children, however,  talking with the little ones in the house is an action that has to be practiced daily, from the time they are very young. On the other hand, there are parents who try to create a climate of dialogue with their children and try to talk about absolutely everything.

Happy mother and son.

At the moment that the parents sit down to talk with the children, the space is achieved, the opportunity to talk about their routine and their point of view of an event.

The learning that was obtained from that moment, in addition to the advice that you can give them on a particular topic, can be very valuable since they serve to strengthen the bonds of family union.

Requirements to dialogue with children

Even if you start the daily practice of talking with your children since they are small, you can keep in mind some requirements to achieve it successfully. Here we explain some:

1. Create an ideal environment to talk with your children

Find a place where the environment is pleasant and comfortable. Where your children feel confident and can tell you what is happening to them or the concerns they have.

Although there will be times when they will tell you or ask you urgent things and they are not in the right place, the important thing is that you dedicate the time they need, so they will know that you will always be there to listen and support them.

2. Transmit security and tranquility

When revealing important secrets or confidences, it is best to avoid overreactions, do not reprimand or punish them. With this reaction your children will not tell you anything again. It transmits confidence and serenity.

3. Encourage motivation when talking with your child

Take the moment to identify their interests and opinions. C hen are dialoguing shows that his opinion on the subject is important. You can also include topics of his interest such as music, sports, movies and his favorite character if he is of the age for it.

Motivation in children.

The dialogue should serve to reinforce the positive aspects, since if when talking with your child he only hears calls for attention, you will not make him have the confidence to talk to you.

4. Make use of strong arguments

Explain to them and show them with solid arguments your point of view on the topic you are talking about.  Try to avoid confrontations with them, do not fall into arguments and much less shouting, since in those situations nobody wins.

Teach the little ones that they have the right to have a say and express what they think. But they also have to learn to reason about their thoughts, so they can have a basis to defend their opinion.

5. Use dialogues to reach agreements

When an agreement is created, a commitment is generated, and this must be fulfilled. Take advantage of the moments of dialogue with your child to establish agreements that benefit the relationship of both.

There will be times when both of you will have to give in to certain requests. Remember that talking with your child is more than talking about common things. Then find a balance between formal and fun to gain their good will.

Positive phrases to dialogue with children

It is good for children to feel that they can trust their parents. Therefore, when you talk with them, you can say phrases like these:

  • “I’m sure you are capable of it.”
  • “I am very proud of you.”
  • “I notice that every day you are better.”
  • “You can do it.”

Proud mother of her child

These phrases can help boost children’s self-esteem. It will also teach them to be optimistic people when facing difficult situations.

Education is fundamental in our work as parents. You can be firm in many things, but you also have to show affection and affection towards your children.

It is about our children knowing that we are confident in their own abilities; the ones they already have and the ones they will undoubtedly learn in the rest of their lives.

Finally, to dialogue with the children, in addition to applying the requirements that we have just listed, it is important that you do it as a routine. In this way, the children will get used to it and the conversation will be more spontaneous.

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