5 Solutions To Remove Warts On Fingers

To remove warts effectively and safely, it is best to go to a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you need to remove warts on your fingers, you should know that you can opt for conventional methods, by visiting the doctor, or by natural remedies. The latter require a little more patience.

Find out below what are the natural solutions proposed by popular wisdom to remove warts on fingers. According to his approach, by applying them you can weaken the wart little by little and make it fall off. 

Conventional treatments

If you want to remove warts from your fingers immediately, you can go to the dermatologist. The two most effective treatments are freezing and cauterization (laser). In addition to the method you want to choose, it will also depend on the area. In this case, those that appear on the fingers are usually common warts, as Mayo Clinic experts point out.

Although they are generally not related to any serious health problem, most of the time it is an aesthetic problem. This is why people often want to remove them as soon as possible. In this way, they are prevented from spreading through the body or even infecting another person. Especially when they are in areas as exposed as the fingers.

Frostbite of the wart on a finger.

Solutions to remove warts on fingers

Although there is no scientific evidence that these remedies are 100% safe, effective and recommended, in the popular sphere they are used to remove warts from the fingers.

If you are considering applying them, keep in mind that you must have a lot of patience, since they are natural remedies they do not give immediate results.

1. Fig milk

This remedy is very old and effective. It has the advantage that it is free. However, not everyone has access to it. It consists of using the white milk that sprouts when you pluck a fig, branch or leaf from the fig tree. This white, viscous liquid contains latex, among other components.

  • Apply a drop of the milk on the wart and cover with gauze loosely.
  • Leave on for 8 hours and repeat the application.
    • Each time, you must use a new stem, freshly cut.

2. Garlic

Garlic to remove warts on fingers

According to popular wisdom, garlic is one of the most effective remedies for this problem. Antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are attributed to it, so it could fight the causative agents of warts and facilitate their elimination.

  • Cut a small piece of garlic, the same size as the wart. This is essential because garlic is so powerful that it can irritate the healthy skin around the wart.
  • Apply that piece and we will surround it with tape so that it does not move.
  • Change the tape every 24 hours until the wart falls off.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not only a suitable product for cleaning the home, it is also a remedy to remove warts from the fingers, according to popular beliefs.

  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the wart before going to bed.
  • Bandage so that it does not move and leave it on overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the cotton and wash the skin.
  • Repeat every night until the wart is completely removed.

4. Banana peel

The peel or banana peel has some properties that you should know before throwing it away. Its natural salicylic acid content makes it a solution against warts, according to beliefs.

  • You only need a piece of the peel, of a banana that is not too green or too ripe.
  • Rub the inside of the banana peel on the wart several times a day.
  • During the night you can leave it on with the help of a tape.

    Banana peel to remove warts on fingers

    5. Artemis

    It is said that in traditional Chinese medicine mugwort is used to remove warts through a technique known as: moxibustion or moxas. They are a kind of cigars or cones made with dried mugwort leaves that are applied close to the skin to provide intense and local heat.

    There are different ways to apply mugwort to remove warts from the fingers of the hands. One of the most popular is similar to the procedure that we explained earlier with garlic.

    What is the best to remove warts on fingers?

    To remove warts on fingers, it is best to go to the dermatologist and follow his recommendations. The professional will offer us a personalized, reliable and safe solution, which will help us to definitively end the problem.

    If you want to try a home remedy, at least try to consult it first with your dermatologist to find out how convenient it may be for your case. Otherwise, you put yourself at a higher risk of experiencing adverse reactions.

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