5 Tips To Improve Fertility

Here are 5 tips to enhance fertility that will help you achieve that pregnancy you long for. Go ahead and try them!

When a couple wants to have a baby they want this to happen as soon as possible. To do this, they choose different methods to achieve their goal. Then the question arises, is it possible to improve fertility on our own?

The answer is yes. Everything that we decide to do for our health, with conscience and responsibility, is beneficial. In the event that we want to improve fertility, it is important to take into account that there are several factors that can influence the achievement of a healthy pregnancy.

1. Maintain a good body mass index

Extremes are harmful. Both extreme thinness and being overweight. Both can reduce the chances of getting pregnant because your body experiences several associated disorders.

You can experience situations that range from hormonal changes to early diabetes or heart problems. Ideally, to improve fertility is that your body mass index is appropriate for your constitution. If in doubt, go to your doctor or a nutritionist to evaluate you and provide you with the necessary tools.

2. Eat healthy and varied

Watch out for dinner

Something basic both to improve fertility and to ensure that the baby’s health is good is feeding. Make sure you are consuming the correct amounts of the nutrients your body needs: vitamins (especially B, C and D), minerals (such as iron and zinc), proteins, fats.

All of these nutrients influence the menstrual cycle. Surely you already know that the more regular your cycles are, the more likely you are to identify your fertile days.

When your diet is healthy and your weight is correct, the menstrual cycle is regulated.  Don’t forget to ask your doctor if you should include any additional supplements to improve your fertility (and your health, in general) even more.

You should pay close attention to foods rich in protein. If your diet is low in protein, you could have more problems getting pregnant. Therefore, include this nutrient in all your meals, but prepared in a healthy way (steamed, cooked, boiled, baked) and avoid saturated fats.

3. Watch what you drink and the amounts

Do you drink a lot of alcohol? How often do you drink coffee? If you are looking to improve fertility it is important that you monitor the amounts you consume of these two drinks in your daily intake.

Alcohol alters estrogen levels. This makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant properly in the uterus. Ideally, you should completely eliminate alcohol consumption from the moment you plan a pregnancy until your baby is born.

Too much caffeine alters your hormonal levels and makes it difficult to conceive a pregnancy. We suggest you stop using coffee  (or at least reduce the amount you drink daily) and, instead, drink teas, herbal teas or infusions to improve fertility.

Opt for decaffeinated coffee. Drink a maximum of two cups a day. Alcohol lowers your chances of getting pregnant. If you succeed and continue to drink alcohol, the fetus can be severely damaged. Be responsible!

4. Avoid pesticides

Avoid pesticides

Although pesticides and herbicides are of great help to improve crops, they can cause certain damages to humans. When you are looking to improve fertility it is important that you wash all your food  (fruits, vegetables and vegetables) well before cooking or eating them.

Pesticides affect reproductive health. In the case of men, it can cause a low sperm count and decrease its quality. On the other hand, in women there may be alterations in hormonal levels. This complicates the implantation of the egg.

A good precautionary measure would be to opt for “organic products” before and during pregnancy. Another option is to create your own garden, if the space of your home allows it.

5. Quit tobacco

We have already said many times that tobacco is harmful to health, in general. If you are still not convinced, you should know that the toxins in tobacco damage the eggs, prevent fertilization and complicate the implantation of the fertilized egg.

The damage caused by smoking tobacco is not reversible. That is, if you have smoked for many years, it is possible that your eggs have some type of damage.

In the case of men, tobacco reduces the quality of sperm. This may imply a low sperm count or that the sperm have been structurally damaged. Usually, by quitting tobacco and taking some medications, the sperm improves and restores its normal amounts.

Yes you can improve fertility


In short, getting pregnant is a process that can be affected by various circumstances. The important thing is to understand that achieving it depends largely on your habits and lifestyle. Do you consider that you are doing everything to increase your chances of getting pregnant?

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