5 Tips To Improve Your Smile

In 2008, a study found that the whiteness of your smile plays an important role in how others perceive you.

When you have the smile whiter, they consider you as someone more attractive and intelligent than if you had yellow teeth.

So  It is time for you to start improving your smile by paying attention to your oral hygiene so that, in this way, you project the best version of yourself.

1. Eliminate bad breath

Bad breath

Bad breath can be caused by many factors, including:

  • Bad habits for oral care.
  • Dental infection
  • Gum disease.
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Chronic infection or inflammation of the nose.
  • To smoke.
  • Dry mouth as a side effect of some medications.
  • Foods like garlic or onion.

One of the best methods you can apply to improve your smile is to fight bad breath.

Simple habits such as staying hydrated, flossing daily, and brushing your teeth three times a day without forgetting your tongue can help.

If you wear dentures or any other oral appliance, remember to clean it every day. Use an alcohol-free mouthwash. If you suffer from dryness, you can use spray or dry mouth gel.

It is important to keep in mind that, if the problem is chronic and persistent, with an unpleasant and unusual smell, it can be caused by diseases such as diabetes or an intestinal obstruction.

In these cases it is better to see your doctor. Chronic dry mouth for no apparent reason should also be investigated by your doctor, as it may be due to an immune condition or other disorder.

2. Keep your gums healthy to improve your smile

Having healthy gums is not as difficult a task as it sounds. With the correct brush and the use of dental floss you can improve your smile and show off healthy gums.

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues around the teeth . These infections are commonly caused by plaque buildup.

While gum disease doesn’t usually cause pain, it does make your gums appear red, swollen, and lightly bleeding.

In fact, gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults.

You can of course avoid them with regular check-ups with your dentist, combined with good oral hygiene. Brush  at least twice a day to keep plaque at bay.

3. Teeth whitening

Many toothpastes on the market, as well as mouthwashes and dental sheets, promise to have a whitening effect.

Although they are an option, there is also the possibility of opting for whitening treatments prescribed by your dentist or treatments in the office.

While having whiter teeth will help you improve your smile and look better, you must be careful. If you abuse these kinds of treatments, you may weaken your tooth enamel and begin to suffer from some sensitivity .

4. Maintain proper dental hygiene

This is the best way to start improving your smile. You can apply it from home and at a low cost.

You just have to consider the use of fluoride toothpaste and of  floss daily. If you complement this with mouthwash you will get the best results.

Whitening creams are an option but, as we have already mentioned, they contain mild abrasives that, although they will remove surface stains, they will not change the color of the teeth.

5. Straighten your teeth

whiten teeth

Straightening your teeth will drastically improve your smile. In many cases it can be something more important than aesthetics.

If you notice that you are having bite problems or more complex orthodontic problems, you should consider putting on traditional braces.

There are other options such as brackets made of ceramic or polycarbonate, which are more discreet than stainless steel.

This could even have a very positive effect on your confidence and self-esteem .

There are also other ways you can improve your smile.

For example, when you have a chipped or stained tooth, it can be replaced with a crown or dental implant. This is nothing more than an artificial tooth that will be permanently anchored in your jaw bone.

Porcelain veneers are a bit expensive option, but they will allow you to show off healthy teeth after a long time.

Don’t forget to visit the dentist regularly

Tooth decay

Finally, it is important that you keep in mind that, if you are really interested in improving your smile, l Or ideally, before making any decision, you talk to your dentist. Only he will know what is best in your case.

And since having a beautiful smile is not cheap, remember to explore with your dentist what treatments your insurance covers and make the most of the benefits it offers you.

Keep in mind that your health is very important. Therefore, even if it is expensive, you should go to a dental health professional for any treatment.

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