6 Exercises To Mitigate Neck Pain

One of the recommendations to eliminate neck pain is to practice a series of leisurely exercises and gentle stretches, as these help to mitigate discomfort and feel some relief.

In these circumstances, the consumption of analgesics and anti-inflammatories should only be carried out when the doctor has indicated it. Otherwise, the problem would only be patched and the diagnosis would be difficult.

Do you have neck pain? Do not worry because we will discuss the exercises that can help you mitigate it. However, first we will help you understand this problem a little better.

Common causes of neck pain

According to a publication on the Mayo Clinic website, neck pain is caused mainly by the accumulation of muscle tension from staying in the same position for a long time. Also, muscle wasting and degeneration caused by age are listed as other possible triggers.

The same source adds that injuries – such as the famous whiplash due to improper or jerky movements – and certain diseases, such as arthritis, can cause neck pain. Nerve compressions also appear as a possible cause.

On the other hand, it is believed that this ailment may appear as a result of stress. Although there are no studies that confirm this relationship, it is a fairly recurring problem in those who remain in the same position for a long time, such as office workers.

Exercises to eliminate neck pain

According to the advice of a specialized publication on the MedlinePlus site, it will be advisable to suspend physical activity during the first days after the appearance of neck pain. This will help decrease inflammation; ice can be applied during the first 72 hours to help this process.

Later, stretches and exercises can be used to mitigate neck pain, which have beneficial effects to increase joint mobility, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation .

An advantage of these exercises is that they can be practiced at any time of the day and in any place. In fact, it is not necessary to have a serious ailment to practice them; dedicating several minutes of the day to them helps to strengthen the muscles to prevent them from suffering.

Before moving on to stretching, you must bear in mind that all movements must be slow and without straining the neck. Also, perform a few warm-up movements before carrying them out, to prepare the muscles for the exercise.

Neck stretch with chin back.

Side twists

  • Sit with your back straight against the back of the chair and place your hands on your knees.
  • Turn your neck to the right as much as you can. Try to keep your chin at shoulder height.
  • Return to the starting position and turn to the left. Hold each position for a few seconds.

Lateral flexion

In the same starting position as the previous exercise, the goal now is to bring the right ear as close to the right shoulder as possible. The idea is that you don’t lift your arm or shoulder. Do a little pressure for 5 seconds and align your head before moving to flex to the left.

Back and forward bending

  • This exercise is done sitting in a chair (that is not against the wall, so the movements will be more comfortable).
  • Put your head back, as if you want to look at the ceiling.
  • Open your mouth a little so that there is no tension in the jaw. Remember to keep your back straight.
  • Return to the starting position and then bend forward to touch your chin to your chest (or as close as possible).
  • For the exercise to work, don’t hunch your back.

“Butterfly” stretch

To do this exercise to relieve neck pain, you must lie on the bed or on a mat on the floor.

  • Bring your hands behind your neck and interlock your fingers. The elbows will be to the sides of the face.
  • Bring your arms to your sides so that your elbows touch the mattress.

Arm and shoulder raises

When you have neck pain, your shoulders can also be affected. Here’s a stretch for this muscle group:

  • Sitting with your hands on your thighs or knees, raise both shoulders up so that they touch your ears (or at least get as close as possible).
  • Return to the starting position and then lower your shoulders as far as you can.

Lotus pose

There are certain yoga poses for neck pain. The lotus is one of them, and it is done in the following way:

  • Sit on the floor and cross your legs. If possible, put one foot on top of the opposite knee.
  • Keep your back straight and hold the pose for a few minutes. It may hurt at first, but it will be until you get used to it.
  • When doing this traditional yoga pose, some people put cushions on their buttocks or below their knees to be more comfortable.

Head rotation

In that position you can do all the previous exercises – except for the butterfly – and add one more: the complete head rotation.

  • Make an imaginary circle with your neck. The movement must be slow.
  • Don’t forget to open your jaw when bringing your head back.

Tips to avoid neck pain

In addition to performing these exercises periodically, you can consider the following recommendations to prevent and mitigate neck pain.

  • When talking on the phone, hold the device with your hand and not between your shoulder and head.
  • Support your entire back on the back of your desk chair or table.
  • Put the screens at eye level or a little lower.
  • Raise the headrest of the car.
  • Use an ergonomic pillow and, if possible, sleep on your back.
  • When lifting objects off the floor, bend your knees; don’t use full force on your hips and back.
  • Change your posture several times during the workday.
  • Do not carry very heavy bags or, if you have no other option, switch shoulders to hold them.

Ultimately, if you have persistent neck pain or if you feel like it is not improving, see your doctor. The expert will be able to give you a check-up and guide an appropriate treatment, surely by the hand of a physiotherapist.

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