6 Tips That You Should Heed If You Want To Avoid Varicose Veins

One of the best ways to improve circulation is to put your legs up for several minutes a day to promote venous return.

To avoid varicose veins, the best thing you can do is adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now where do you start? Relax, here are some tips that could help you.

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that generally appear in the lower body area due to circulatory difficulties. These indicate that the blood is having interference to return normally to the heart, either due to an inflammatory imbalance or because the valves that allow its passage are weakened, to name a few causes.

They have always been considered an aesthetic problem, since the veins have a red or purple color that can be seen with the naked eye. In addition, in health matters they also attract attention, since they can cause a feeling of heaviness, pain and other uncomfortable symptoms derived from poor circulation.

Fortunately, the practice of some habits reduces the risk of suffering them, especially when they begin to join the routine from an early age. On this occasion, you will find 6 key tips for its prevention. Discover them!

Tips to avoid varicose veins

Woman applying cream to her legs

1. Control your body weight

An article entitled “Influence of obesity on the clinical severity of chronic venous insufficiency in the Vascular Surgery Service of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital” indicates that the appearance of varicose veins is one of the main consequences of being overweight or obese.

Excess kilos can make it difficult for blood to transport normally through the veins, which could trigger an inflammatory response in the capillaries.


  • Control the consumption of calories and fat in your diet.
  • Include fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet on a daily basis.
  • Get regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day.
  • In case of obesity, heed the medical recommendations.

    2. Wear comfortable shoes

    The use of comfortable, wide and thin-soled shoes could be decisive in preventing circulatory interference in the lower body area. Too high heels would weaken the valves that regulate the passage of blood through the veins, leading to retention and inflammation.


    • Avoid wearing shoes with a high heel. Its height should not exceed 5 centimeters.
    • Try to wear low shoes, thick soles and with some type of ventilation most of the time, if you want to prevent varicose veins and other problems.

    3. Increase water consumption

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    People who do not hydrate every day are more prone to cardiovascular disease compared to those who consume the right amount of water. This liquid, vital for the functions of the entire organism, would help keep the blood in perfect condition and, therefore, facilitate its return from any part of the body to the heart muscle.


    • Make sure you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
    • If you have problems drinking it, replace it with fruit waters, infusions or juices.

    4. Avoid wearing tight clothing

    Although it may be hard for you to believe, wearing clothing that is too tight could influence the premature appearance of varicose veins and spider veins. Jeans, girdles and other clothing that are too tight will interfere with the circulation of the legs and, over time, cause this aesthetic problem.


    • Wear loose-knit clothing that is soft and airy.
    • When buying your pants or similar garments, choose the appropriate size for your body.

    5. Raise your legs

    Women with legs up

    Something as simple as putting your legs up could help improve circulation and prevent varicose veins, according to data from the MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. This exercise facilitates the return of blood to the upper part of the body and, incidentally, promotes relaxation in situations of great fatigue.


    • Whenever possible, elevate your legs for 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Perform the exercise after completing your workday.
    • Try to put it into practice if you have been in the same position for a long time.

    6. Avoid excessive salt intake

    Salt is one of the ingredients most used in cooking; Furthermore, it is found in many foods and, therefore, it is almost impossible to eliminate it from the diet.

    What many do not know is that its excessive consumption brings with it several health problems, among which are varicose veins. Sodium intake above the recommended dose could promote fluid retention and, after hindering circulation, influence the appearance of varicose veins and cellulite.


    • Limit your salt intake, replacing it with other healthy spices and aromatic herbs.
    • Check the labels of the foods you buy in the market to know how much salt they provide.

    How to act against varicose veins?

    Are you worried about the appearance of these veins? Pay special attention to the recommendations set out here and make them part of your routine to avoid varicose veins.

    Remember that it is believed that the “spiderlings” would have a hereditary component; In other words, those who have relatives who suffer from them would have a greater risk of developing them.

    If you suspect the presence of varicose veins, go to your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis and obtain the best treatment adapted to your physical condition and the progress of your varicose veins.

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