6 Tricks To Eat Less Without Starving

One of the great obstacles when it comes to wanting to lose weight are those “temptations” or “snacks” that we have between meals. While there are healthy ways to calm them down, we often choose unhealthy snacks and dishes. Do you want to learn to eat less without starving?

Although it may seem impossible, there are actually several strategies that prevent you from consuming excessive calories without making you suffer. Next we want to share the most effective ones so that you take them into account from now on.

1. If you don’t see it, you don’t eat it

tricks to eat less without starving

It may be very basic advice, but the “what’s out of sight stays out of your mouth” strategy works.

It has been concluded that people who have food and groceries to nibble permanently at their disposal (chips, cookies, chocolates, various sweets, etc.), weigh about one and a half kilograms more than those who did not have this type of food at a time. the view.

If you need to snack on something to eat less without starving, use healthy foods (such as carrot sticks with hummus, or pieces of seasonal fruit, nuts, etc.). Also, remember to avoid any excess, as this will help prevent imbalances in the body.

2. Size of plates and cutlery

Just as the dishes we use affect the size of the servings we eat, the cutlery can determine the amount we have in bites.

We can eat less without starving if we follow this advice as we “trick” the brain. The reason for this is that as they are covered smaller, we will eat more slowly and in less quantity. However, it is essential to chew your food well. It is recommended to make 20 chews for each bite.

3. Eat around people who eat just like you

When eating out, it is often more difficult to control both the quantity and the quality of the food. This situation can generate a bit of anxiety and moodiness due to not being able to carry out the proper diet. It can also make it easier to lose focus and go fast and easy, “to solve” on the spot.

To avoid this and eat less without starving, we recommend that you sit close to the right diners. Close to those who eat less or who are also on a diet to deal with this situation more easily.

4. Reward yourself

Reward yourself to eat less without starving

The moment you start to have a hard time dieting and eating healthy, meeting your goal is in danger, your intentions to change your weight loss habits will last rather shortly.

It is important that you find a way to make these changes easy and spark positive thoughts in you that encourage you to continue. Many times we think that to lose weight it is essential to starve. The truth is quite the opposite. It is not necessary to go hungry. It’s about eating healthy and exercising.

In fact, if you increase your physical activity up to 4 days a week you can eat more food without the need to starve. If you adopt this routine, you will see how you will lose weight and your motivation will increase considerably. It is proven that the practice of physical exercise is one of the best tools to improve body composition.

5. Drink more water to eat less without starving

Another very effective trick to eat less without starving is to drink a large glass of water before eating, as stated in a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research . This will make your stomach fuller and soothe the bug that makes you have a really bad time trying to lose weight.

Sometimes drinking water is also helpful in the event of an irrepressible craving or urge to eat. In this way, the brain can be confused. Of course, avoid drinking water in excessive amounts, as it can be counterproductive.

6. Size and color of the servings

The bigger the plate, the more you will fill it up and the more you will eat without realizing it. By filling a smaller plate, the brain is also somewhat fooled and you fill up sooner. So, to trick your brain into eating less without starving, try not to fill a large plate.

Also, if it is a small amount of food, fruit or any food, serve it in a bowl that is not light to fool the brain, which will have the perception that it has eaten more food than there really was when it was in a heavy plate or bowl.

On the other hand, in terms of colors, we recommend that you always use dishes in a color that contrasts with the food you put in it. The reason for this is that the brain will take longer to send the feeling of satiety. Also, keep in mind that red and yellow colors favor fast eating, so use colors that contrast but provide calm and calm.

Use tricks to eat less

As you can see, eating less without starving is possible. If you carry out all these tips you will see how you will start to lose weight without suffering so much. And remember, doing physical exercise is essential to enhance the effects of your diet and, of course, maximize your well-being in general.

If you consider that you need guidance on how to eat and exercise properly, do not hesitate to consult with your trusted doctor, nutritionist or coach. Professionals can offer you information according to your needs and encourage you to start leading a healthy lifestyle that brings you multiple benefits.

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