7 Foods To Define Your Muscles

Defining your muscles will help you make your body look how you want it. We advise you 7 foods that you should consider to show off attractive muscles.

Defining your muscles is perhaps the stage that allows you to capitalize on all the effort that made the decision to change your lifestyle to improve health and fitness. If you got this far, it’s because you’ve done well both in the gym and on your diet.

Defining the muscles is the high point of the process, because it is time for the body to look how you really want it. Hard training is no longer enough, now you have to pay more attention to food.

It is assumed that you have already put aside the fats and flours, that you eat healthier and that there are times for the occasional dessert. But to define your muscles, eliminating the fat that is left and increasing its size, you must choose to eat some specific foods. Here we tell you which ones.

Food groups to consider

Below we suggest the nutrient groups that cannot be lacking in your diet to define your muscles.

Carbohydrates in the form of grains

These can be found in pasta, rice, bread, legumes and cereals. The ideal is that you consume them in the first hours of the day and that you do not exceed the amounts.

Remember that it is essential to choose whole varieties, to guarantee the supply of fiber. This will keep you satiated for longer, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition Reviews .

Rice source of carbohydrates.

Remember that you cannot eliminate carbohydrates, since these are the ones that provide you with the energy you need to carry out all your daily activities in an optimal way. Choose those that are low on the glycemic index and low on saturated fat, but don’t worry about whether they contain cholesterol.

Fruits and vegetables

They can be eaten throughout the day, as a dessert or snack. Choose those that have a low glycemic index, such as citrus fruits, grapes, apples, peaches, apricots, red berries, to name a few.

As for vegetables, include them daily in the form of stews and salads. You can not miss carrots, onions, squash, peppers, cabbages and turnips.


It may be the most important food group, because they are the ones that directly help build muscle tissue. This is stated by research published in the journal Nutrients . Eat fish and their derivatives. Also white meats, such as turkey, chicken and rabbit.

On the other hand, do not abuse red meat. You can eat them once a week. However, remember to consult a nutritionist.

These are the most important foods that you should take into account. In addition, it is essential that you continue your detoxification process from sugary drinks and alcohol. Now let’s move on to the foods that will help you define your muscles.

7 foods to define your muscles

1. Veal

To define your muscles, veal is presented as one of the best options. It is pure protein and this makes it second to none. This meat contains linoleic acid, which is responsible for eliminating fat and building muscles.

However, despite the fact that it also acts on hypertension and has antioxidant properties, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned about the carcinogenic properties of processed red meat. For this reason, we recommend consuming 200 to 225 grams of this meat during the week.

2. Eggs

One of the options that should not be missing on the menu. It is the food with the best proteins of biological value.

In addition, the yolk provides considerable levels of iron, sodium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc. Also, it has vitamins, such as A, B2, B12, D and E. You can eat until after training because it helps with rapid digestion.

3. Chicken breast

This is a meat that provides a lot of protein, and for every 100 grams you consume you will only be adding 120 calories. A serving can provide you with about 30 grams of protein, so consider it and add it to your diet.

However, we recommend that you choose quality chickens, ideally raised naturally. This type of meat has a high content of hormones that can harm us.

 4. Salmon

Salmon with spices.

It is a fish that you can add to your eating plan with great security. It contains fatty acids, which are very healthy and will help you increase joint health.

In addition, it provides omega-3s and, therefore, will help you reduce cholesterol levels. It is a very good protein that you should cook on the grill or in the oven and without oil.

5. Tuna

It is a food that you cannot ignore . It provides a lot of protein and you will metabolize it very quickly. You can prepare it on the grill or in its own juice.

We recommend that you consume it as a main dish or as a side to salads. Pair it with a serving of pasta or rice. You can also eat them before or after your workout.

6. Seeds, cereals and nuts

These groups provide fiber, minerals, and healthy fats. Also, cereals like quinoa can give you as much protein as the foods we mentioned earlier.

Nuts source of protein.

Oats, walnuts, almonds, to name a few, are very inexpensive. To define your muscles you can combine them in salads and eat them with your meats before or after physical activity. They also fight anxiety.

7. Green tea

This is a good companion that will act effectively while the other foods do their job as well. Green tea will allow you to reduce fat while you are on the road to defining your muscles.

On the other hand, it is a diuretic, protects you against free radicals and enhances the development of all muscle tissues. Therefore, drink it daily outside of meals.

Healthy diet to define your muscles

With these 7 foods you can create many dishes so that your diet is not unpleasant. Remember vegetables and greens and always keep in mind that a healthy diet will not only help you define your muscles, but will also allow you to achieve a better lifestyle. Remember not to stick only to these foods, a correct diet is based on the principle of variety.

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