8 Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Although these foods can be very useful when losing weight, it is essential that we combine them with physical activity to achieve the desired results sooner.

If you want to take off those grams that you have left or, simply, keep the line, take note of these foods that will help you lose weight without having to give up the flavor of your dishes.

We all want to maintain an ideal weight and be healthy. However, it is not such a simple task. There is no magic recipe to help us achieve it. As we know, it is about adopting a certain attitude, being constant and changing some habits for healthier ones.

Foods that help you lose weight

If we have decided to lose weight, it is not advisable to focus only on some food groups, as this could cause an imbalance of nutrients in the body. We must opt ​​for foods that are high in nutrients and contain few calories.

Today, there are many miracle diets that promise to lose weight in a few days and without effort. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. If what we want is to lose weight and maintain it, we must be constant. It will not be easy, but we will feel better and with more energy to carry out other activities.

It is also important to combine a balanced diet with regular exercise. This has proven to be one of the best tools for improving body composition. To lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume.

So, go for a walk or run, walk to work, or take the stairs. These are just small changes in your day to day to start, later you can start practicing a sport that you like.

Together, all these habits will be part of your new life and will help you lose weight without the risk of gaining it again.

Here are some foods that can be beneficial for weight loss. Feel free to incorporate them into your diet.

1. Pears and blueberries

Bowl with blueberries.

Both pears and blueberries can become great allies when trying to lose weight. Thanks to its high contribution of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, they are ideal for reducing volume. In addition, in the case of blueberries, they have an indisputable diuretic function.

You can combine both pieces in a delicious juice.

  • In addition, blueberries will help you prevent various bladder infections.
  • The pear, for its part, has magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The latter is essential to maintain healthy and strong bones.

2. Cinnamon

Although it may not seem like it, cinnamon can also be of great help if you are looking to lose weight. Cinnamon has a regulating effect on blood sugar levels, increases insulin sensitivity, and is a powerful antioxidant. According to research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , it works as a good antidiabetic.

We must remember that when the body cannot assimilate all the sugar that we have consumed, it ends up turning into fat, just what this product avoids.

3. Mushrooms

garlic mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories and have a great satiating effect, so they should not be missing in the diets of those looking to lose weight. The fiber they contain has been shown to be effective in reducing appetite and the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals.

4. Green tea

Green tea has an important diuretic function and that is why it has always been used in diets with the aim of achieving weight loss.

  • It will be as easy as drinking a cup of tea a day.
  • This simple gesture will help us to accelerate the metabolism, it will provide us with  the antioxidants we need and it favors the burning of fat.
  • In addition, it also reduces your appetite.

5. Broth

Golden broth.

The broth, in addition to being a great food in the coldest months of the year, will become the great ally in the face of losing weight. It is a food that contains nutrients that help us feel satisfied, and all this without filling you with calories or fat.

The most advisable thing is to prepare homemade broth, since the industrial ones do not have so many benefits.

6. Whole grains

Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. This helps you feel full for longer and prevents overeating. Therefore, they are one of the food groups that can not be missing in your diet to lose weight. Of course, always choose the integral ones.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli has remarkable benefits thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, isotocyanates and glucosinolates.

All these elements help to counteract the effects of free radicals, prevent countless diseases and prevent the accumulation of fat. As if this were not enough, it is a type of food that helps balance the body’s hormonal levels.

In addition, it has natural phytonutrients, perfect for reducing the total amount of body fat, since they minimize inflammation and control blood sugar levels.

8. Coffee

Coffee grounds, a surprising ally against diseases.

While it is true that coffee should not be abused, it is a drink that can also be very healthy for certain purposes. And is that black coffee, if consumed in moderation, can help us balance the hormonal levels of our body.

Do not forget that caffeine is a perfect phytonutrient to speed up metabolism and to increase the number of calories your body burns.

To lose weight, improve habits

To conclude, these are just a few beneficial foods for weight loss. Do not forget that it is not about making a specific diet, but about a change of mentality and life.

Adopt healthy habits and do not obsess, the important thing is to get the right weight that makes you feel good, without putting your health at risk.

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