8 Habits To Keep In Mind For A Healthy Pregnancy

Practicing healthy habits during pregnancy can help prepare the body for when it is time to deliver. In addition, it reduces the risk of complications and prevents overweight problems.

To have a healthy pregnancy, you must know the habits that help promote general well-being in all its stages. It is also important to understand that the needs of the body change and both diet and exercise must adapt to this.

It is normal that there are many doubts and myths about how to face pregnancy from the first months. That is why, first of all, it is good to get prenatal checkups, to be sure that the decisions made are the best for your health and your baby.

Are you preparing to be a mom? Don’t you know how to take care of yourself? Next, we  share a series of recommendations to best face this stage and avoid possible complications.

Habits that will help you have a healthy pregnancy

The need to maintain healthy habits during pregnancy does not only lie in preparing the body for the moment of delivery. Due to the role that diet and mental health play in pregnancy, it is also necessary for fetal development.

Although the lifestyle should be adapted to the requirements of each woman, there are some generalities that everyone can consider to have a healthy pregnancy.

1. Request blood tests

After confirming the pregnancy, it is best to request a blood test to determine if there are possible infections. This test confirms whether or not there are antibodies against pathologies that affect fetal development, such as toxoplasmosis, hepatitis, chlamydia or HIV.

In case of detecting any of these diseases, the doctor can start a treatment so that the baby is not affected. However, it is essential to achieve a timely diagnosis so that there is a better chance of overcoming it.

2. Adopt a good diet for a healthy pregnancy

Nutrition is perhaps one of the most important aspects when looking for a healthy pregnancy. Although some ignore it, the food consumed influences many aspects of pregnancy, including the proper development of the baby, as this study published in the Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics points out .

In all cases, the intake of foods with folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and Omega-3 is recommended, since their assimilation maintains the health of mother and child. In addition, the ideal thing is to minimize the intake of processed foods, sugars and any product that is poor in nutrients.

3. Take the recommended supplements

The prenatal care doctor may suggest some supplements to reduce the risks in pregnancy due to a nutritional deficit. Options such as folic acid, iron and calcium help the development of the fetus and prevent  problems  in the mother such as anemia and bone wear.

4. Drink plenty of water for a healthy pregnancy

Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day can help maintain optimal physical and mental health throughout your pregnancy. Adequate supplies of water  prevent fluid retention and help maintain good kidney function.

It is also beneficial for a good digestion and the correct production of breast milk. In case of difficulty drinking water alone, you can choose infusions, natural juices or broths. Sugary drinks, energy drinks or alcohol should not be taken. All this is evidenced in this article published in Acta Pediátrica de México .

woman drinking water to carry a healthy pregnancy.

5. Visit the dentist

Regular visits to the dentist should be included in plans for a healthy pregnancy. Although many do not know it, oral health is more vulnerable at this stage, as the body begins to use calcium to meet other needs.

6. Do physical exercise

Today there are many ways to practice regular physical exercise during pregnancy without risk. This healthy habit helps  reduce the pain of this stage and helps maintain a healthy and balanced weight.

On the other hand, it stimulates the secretion of serotonin and endorphins, known as the neurotransmitters of well-being. This controls the attacks of anxiety and anguish that alter the tranquility of the future mother. Recommended activities include the following:

  • Yoga classes.
  • Pilates method.
  • Swimming or water sports.
  • Walks.
  • Fitball.

7. Strengthen the pelvic floor

The muscles that surround the pelvic floor undergo an abrupt change during pregnancy. In addition, they have a lot to do with the processes that originate when the time of delivery arrives. Therefore, following a routine to strengthen this part of the body provides many benefits, as shown in this article published in the journal Pelvic Floor .

Alternatives such as Kegel exercises, leg raises, and abdominals tone these muscles and increase tolerance to contractions. They also contribute to a speedy recovery when postpartum arrives.

Exercise during labor.

8. Sleep well

During the rest period, the body relaxes the muscles and activates processes that reduce fatigue and dizziness during pregnancy. Due to this, both in the first and last months it is essential to have a good quality of sleep.

Ensuring a suitable environment and knowing the sleeping postures in pregnancy are simple strategies so that there are not so many interruptions in the night’s rest.

Ultimately, we hope that these tips for a healthy pregnancy will help you. However, in case of doubt, the main thing is to consult with a health professional so that you can provide yourself with the most appropriate guidelines for your case.

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