8 Reasons To Drink Red Wine, But Always In Moderation

Drinking a glass of wine sporadically, as part of a meal in a meeting, is not as harmful as if the daily consumption of it is assumed drink.

Even though it ends up causing headaches for many, red wine is one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world and on all kinds of occasions, from informal gatherings to large celebrations.

As it shares its origin with grape juice, it is also considered to be a source of antioxidants. For this reason, many have chosen to regularly incorporate a glass to their food. All this with the aim of improving – or maintaining, as the case may be – health and, above all, cardiovascular.

Next we will review what are the reasons why it would be healthy to consume this drink.

1. Does red wine protect brain health?

Red wine served.

It has been said that, as red wine contains several polyphenols, including resveratrol, it could contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress, thus helping (among other things) to protect cells throughout the body, starting with the brain. Thus, there is the hypothesis that wine could help prevent cognitive decline and diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

According to an article published in the Cuban Journal of Food and Nutrition, it must be taken into account that “a large proportion of polyphenols are probably not absorbed from the intestinal lumen, but either they or their bacterial degradation products are concentrated at the level of the ileum or the large intestine where they can exert beneficial interactions with the cells of the mucosa of the distal intestine ”.

Polyphenols have antioxidant properties, therefore they are beneficial in preventing diseases and protecting the body. Especially for intestinal epithelial cells, the authors of the article clarify.

According to a note from the Spanish Foundation for the Digestive System (FEAD), “a moderate consumption of wine has been considered healthy, in fact it is included in the Mediterranean diet. Wine is a fermented drink with a low alcohol content and has molecules that could counteract the harmful effects of free radicals responsible for the oxidative stress of alcohol ”.

Although scientific literature can be found that indicates that moderate consumption of red wine can be beneficial to health, the information must be read carefully because what usually causes more problems is what everyone understands by “moderate” consumption.

Lee: Oxidative stress, what does it consist of?

2. Does it prevent premature aging?

The most widespread myth of all about the consumption of red wine is that it supposedly helps prevent premature aging, due to its antioxidant content. However, to avoid this consequence, rather than consuming an alcoholic beverage, it would be best to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the instructions of the doctor, not just the dermatologist.

A young, healthy and beautiful skin is not only achieved by applying a specific moisturizing product, or the consumption of a handful of fruits rich in antioxidants, but it is achieved through a series of sustained habits over time. consistently.

3. Does it improve cardiovascular health?

Although red wine is a drink that has flavonoids with the potential to promote cardiovascular health, health experts indicate that this does not mean that it is necessary to consume it daily, much less in large quantities.

According to the experts of the American Heart Association, moderate consumption is understood as one drink a day. 

4. Do you avoid depression?

According to a study carried out in rodents, the polyphenols in red wine may have some antidepressant effect. However, this has not been proven to be the case in humans.

Health and psychology experts indicate that it is NOT recommended to consume red wine or any other alcoholic beverage as a “treatment” for any mood disorder. Alcohol is not a solution and it is best to go to therapy, follow the instructions of the family doctor and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

5. Does the energy level increase?

Consuming red wine has not been shown to “increase” energy levels in people. In fact, the most common thing is that it causes some drowsiness, in addition to a headache. Therefore, it is neither advisable nor necessary to consume wine with the aim of “getting smart”, much less in large quantities. All excesses are harmful.

6. Does it improve oral health?

Another myth associated with consuming red wine “in moderation” is that it is supposed to help support oral health. Specifically, it was claimed that its compounds could have an antimicrobial action, which would prevent the proliferation of pathogens in the mouth, which could cause problems such as cavities and gingivitis.

According to a study published in 2009, there is very little evidence that red wine consumption has any kind of positive effect on human oral health. Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions or make generalizations from data yet to be analyzed.

7. Does it improve respiratory health?

The main antioxidant compound in red wine, resveratrol, supposedly has the ability to create a “protective barrier” in the respiratory tract against pathogens. In addition, its anti-inflammatory and “detoxifying” action would clean the respiratory passages and control the excessive production of phlegm to avoid congestion. However, the scientific literature does not refer to these effects, but rather to the fact that resveratrol has beneficial effects – at a general level – in the body.

It should be borne in mind that wine will not strengthen the lungs in a special or fast way, nor will it strengthen the immune system by just drinking a glass or more a day. This type of benefits could only be obtained in case of making a moderate, specific consumption of the drink, within the framework of a healthy lifestyle.

8 reasons to drink red wine, but always in moderation.

8. Does red wine fight urinary infections?

Although it was popularly said that antioxidants in beverages such as wine could help prevent urinary infections, this is a myth similar to that of blueberry juice. It is not the consumption of these types of drinks that promotes improvement, but good hydration combined with adequate treatment and healthy lifestyle habits.

Notes on your mode of consumption

No drink, food or product is going to guarantee your health alone. Therefore, it is important that you lean on good lifestyle habits and that you maintain them consistently over time. Eat well, exercise daily, apply stress management techniques, stay well hydrated, and always strive for a healthy life.

Although it has been claimed that red wine contains beneficial substances for health (such as antioxidants), it is not recommended to consume it daily, much less in large quantities to stay healthy or “young”. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful.

Keep in mind that drinking more wine will not make you feel or look better. Therefore, always keep moderation and reserve this drink for specific moments.

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