8 Uses Of Baking Soda In Beauty

Beauty and personal care have become the main objectives of both women and men. It is not necessary to invest large sums of money in cosmetics and beauty treatments, since there are natural products that provide incredible results.

Partner bicarbonate is a product that we know for its uses in the kitchen and in health, but that could also have effects on our personal care. However, it is important that we bear in mind that this product does not have the necessary scientific evidence to be endorsed. If you still want to try yourself, it is advisable to go to a specialized doctor first.

One of the great advantages of sodium bicarbonate is that its price is quite cheap; In addition, we can find it almost in any nearby store or supermarket. Do you want to know how to take advantage of baking soda in beauty?

Baking soda as a scrub

Beauty experts recommend exfoliating the skin regularly, to remove excess dead cells and dirt that accumulate every day.

Sodium bicarbonate could be a powerful ally to exfoliate the skin, thanks to its regenerative properties. 

How to use it?

  • Mix one part of water with three of bicarbonate.
  • Apply the mixture with gentle circular massages anywhere on the body.
  • Once the exfoliation is finished, it should be washed well with warm water and applied moisturizing cream.

Deep cleansing of hair

Hair mask

When our hair accumulates residue, it begins to look and feel greasy and quite uncomfortable.  Baking soda seemed to be an excellent solution to this problem, but there really are no studies that prove its real effectiveness.

How to use it?

  • Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in the shampoo.
  • Later apply it with gentle massages through the hair.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes.
  • Once you rinse it, your hair will feel cleaner and fresher.

Knees and elbows

The knees and elbows are two areas of our body that tend to suffer from a lot of dryness. To hydrate these areas of the body, just add a little baking soda to your daily moisturizer and massage these dry and rough areas for a few minutes.

Silk hands


To have healthy hands and nails, make a paste with a little baking soda and water and later, apply it on your hands and nails to leave them soft, free of dirt and without dead cells.

Whiter teeth

Baking soda is a very effective ingredient for natural teeth whitening, but it is not recommended by specialists as it can cause multiple problems.

Natural deodorant

Homemade baking soda deodorant

Sodium bicarbonate is an ideal ingredient to neutralize bad odors, so it is recommended to reduce bad odor after perspiration.

You can apply it as a paste in the armpits or you can also add half a cup of this product to the tub to take advantage of it during the bath.

It can be used as an exfoliator for the armpits, thus eliminating that annoying black spot that forms in this area of ​​the body due to the frequent use of deodorants and antiperspirants. In this case, it is convenient to apply it twice a day with gentle circular massages.

Acne treatment

Baking soda is an ingredient that could also be effective in treating acne. Of course, it must first be endorsed by a dermatologist.

How to use it?

  • Mix some baking soda with lemon.
  • Apply the resulting paste on the pimple.
  • Leave on for 1 hour and rinse.
  • It is very important to apply this treatment at night, since if it is exposed to the sun it can stain the skin.

Relax and soften your feet

Tired feet

Our feet need very special care to relax after a difficult day and keep the skin free of dead cells.

Baking soda can help you keep your feet very beautiful and healthy, just by mixing three tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl of water and soaking your feet there for 10 minutes.

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