9 Different Ways To Enjoy Water More

We know that drinking water has many health benefits, as the body is made up of it for the most part. We have always heard that the ideal is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, as this helps us stay hydrated, improves the functions of the body and, in general, helps us improve the quality of life, as this published study points out. in Nutrition reviews .

However, there are those who have difficulty drinking water in the recommended amounts, since they do not enjoy drinking this liquid all the time.

Taking into account that this good habit can help make a difference in health, today we are going to share 9 different ways for you to enjoy water more and not stop taking advantage of all its benefits.

9 different ways to enjoy water more

Cucumber water

Today, many spas and beauty centers use cucumber water for its refreshing effect and for the  properties it has to take care of the health of the skin and reduce alterations such as spots, acne, dark circles, among others, as this research from the  J ournal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice .

To prepare our own cucumber water at home, just blend half a cucumber with half a liter of water and then use it to clean the skin. It can also be drunk as a juice to take advantage of all its properties from inside the body, as shown in this article published in the journal  Phytotherapy

Soda water

Although sparkling water is not as recommended, if you like it, you can enjoy it from time to time with a little lemon juice or a little unsweetened fruit juice. For example, you can add a few drops of lime, orange or you can also introduce an orange peel.

Infusions to enjoy the water more

Infusion to enjoy the water more.

Infusions are a good way to take advantage of all the benefits of water together with the benefits of the plants with which they are prepared. Herbal infusions help keep us hydrated and also contain a large amount of antioxidants that provide us with benefits, such as helping with weight loss, preventing cardiovascular diseases, improving circulation, fighting depression, fighting stress, improve sleep, detoxify the body, among others.

For example, there are several studies that show that, in addition to reducing the amount of carbohydrates absorbed, fenugreek improves the peripheral action of insulin, so it could be a good option to take it as an infusion.

Also, there are several studies that indicate that the high concentration of polyphenols in green tea is related to its ability to improve metabolism and reduce weight. These substances help to intensify energy expenditure and prevent the body from storing calories in the form of fat. However, it should always be accompanied by a healthy diet and physical exercise.

Vegetables soup

Vegetable broth is ideal to supplement the diet and take advantage of the hydrating benefits of water. When preparing a broth, different vegetables, spices and even chicken can be added to it, to take advantage of all the benefits of these foods in combination with water.

Fruit juice to enjoy the water more


Juices are one of the most delicious ways to take advantage of all the benefits of water, in combination with the properties of the fruits and vegetables with which they can be prepared. For example, you can prepare juices rich in antioxidants such as mango, pineapple, orange, watermelon, apples, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, among others. Also, you can combine various ingredients and even combine fruits and vegetables.

Special ice cubes

To give the water a very special flavor, a good idea is to freeze fruit juice in ice cubes so that when they are added to the water, they release a very special touch of flavor.

Cocktail to flatten the belly

Ginger lemonade

There are many recipes that help us reduce inflammation of the belly and eliminate those excess fat that, in general, accumulate in this area of ​​the body. A delicious recipe to enjoy the benefits of water and help flatten the belly is to combine fresh ginger, cucumber, lemon and spearmint in a glass of water, blend everything well and drink it on an empty stomach.

It has been popularly said that ginger has slimming properties that allow it to stimulate the metabolic function of the body and, in this way, improve the digestive processes to carry out a correct elimination of fats. All this is suggested in this study published in  The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , and they point out that gingerol would be responsible for causing these ‘slimming’ effects.

Drink water instead of overeating

When we are on a diet, in general, there are moments of great anxiety in which we are tempted to break the diet we have done to eat and calm that desire. For those anxious moments when you want to eat more, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass instead of that meal, or increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in water, such as melon, cucumber, pineapple, onion. , among others.

Water with lemon

Lemon water is a refreshing and delicious drink that helps us hydrate ourselves every day, eliminate waste, improve mood, and strengthen the immune system, among others. Warm water with lemon, especially on an empty stomach, has many health and body  benefits that we can take advantage of by drinking a glass every day due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

As you can see, there are multiple ways that can help you enjoy water more with easy-to-find products. You just have to give it a little imagination and flavor to make your drinks with water more attractive and tasty.

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