9 Misleading Foods To Avoid When Dieting

If we want our diet to be really effective, it will always be better if, instead of opting for ready-made salads or shakes, we prepare them ourselves to avoid hypercaloric ingredients.

When we are dieting we must be careful with the food we eat since many times not everything is what it seems. In the same way that there are certain foods that are not so caloric, there are others that are very energetic, even more than we might think.

It is very common that when dieting certain foods are consumed that seem to be low in calories, the so-called “light foods”. However,  there is a reality that we do not know and many times these foods can also spoil the diet.

For this reason, throughout this article we want to leave behind a number of misleading foods. Thus, if you are trying to lose weight, you can avoid them and achieve your goal more easily.

1. The sushi


There is a belief that sushi is low in calories, as well as a very healthy product, but be careful, because there are important nuances in this.

  • For example, you should avoid rolls with spicy mayonnaise, fried tempura and cream cheese that have a high fat content.
  • As for the sauces that should accompany the sushi, it is best that you opt for the light option and avoid the fried ones.
  • Keep in mind that it also contains sugar in its composition, an ingredient that has been shown to be harmful to health, promoting weight gain.

2. Granola increases the calories in the diet

Although granola is very healthy, the truth is that it is not a recommended food if you want to lose weight because it supposes a great contribution of calories.

  • Thus, we must be clear that its consumption must be conscientious, in little quantity and combined with exercises with a moderate to intense intensity level.

3. The Caesar salad

Be careful with salads, because there are some of the most misleading. And it is not because they make lettuce the base of the dish that they are less caloric. A sample of this is the Caesar salad.

  • It is a dish that supposes a great contribution of calories, starting with the pieces of bread, the yellow cheese and the sauce, a hypercaloric mixture that you should avoid if you are dieting.
  • Instead, opt for a salad based on tomato, lettuce, asparagus and corn dressed with olive oil.
  • Always try to avoid commercial sauces. These contain a large percentage of lipids of trans types, capable of impairing the functioning of the cardiovascular system according to a study published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome.

4. Cereal bars

Be very careful with cereal bars because although they seem a very healthy and low-calorie snack, the truth is that it is not like that.

  • Like granola, commercial cereal bars have a great caloric intake and they should not be abused.
  • In addition, it contains trans fats, polyunsaturated, refined sugars and hydrogenated oils, so it is better to avoid them.

5. Whole wheat bread can ruin the diet

wholemeal bread

Do not think that by eating whole wheat bread and not white bread you are ingesting fewer calories.

  • Whole wheat bread has the same calories as regular bread.
  • The difference is that it provides us with a greater amount of fiber, which facilitates greater digestion and favors intestinal transit, but nothing more.
  • On the other hand, fiber also generates a greater feeling of satiety, according to current evidence. Eating white bread invites you to eat more than recommended.

6. Isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks are ideal for athletes, as they serve to replace salts and minerals lost after intensive exercise.

However, the amount of sugars in these drinks have a great caloric intake. Try to avoid them or opt for sugar-free versions.

7. Pickles in brine

Pickled cucumbers.


Cucumber is a great ally when it comes to dieting, but pickles in brine are not, since they have a great contribution of sodium,  that is, salt. Salt is not only bad for your health, but it also makes you retain fluids and end up bloated.

8. Dried banana

Banana is a fruit with a high sugar content. Although consuming fruit is very healthy, there are certain fruits that you should avoid if you want to lose weight. This is the case of the dried banana that we find in muesli, for example, since a portion of 85 grams provides 441 calories.

9. Smoothies

Not all shakes are healthy, so you have to be very careful with them. As with the dried banana, if you are looking to consume fruit, it is better to eat it whole.

  • Some smoothies are combined with sweeteners or large amounts of sugar, and even with products such as yogurt or ice cream. It is all a deception to make your “diet”.
  • So if you want to drink smoothies, opt for those made by yourself, preferably cleansers, and in which fruit is the base of the smoothie.
  • Of course, if you want to make the shake really healthy, do not add sugar, cream, chocolate or the like.

Beware of caloric products in the diet

If you want to lose weight, in addition to going to the nutritionist so that he or she can better guide you to achieve your goal, be careful and try to avoid these foods mentioned. Many times we are misled by the media and they are not as healthy as they are sold to us.

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