9 Ways You Can Use Lemon

In addition to having multiple uses for the home, lemon juice can help settle the stomach and eliminate nausea. It can even mineralize us and reduce soreness after sports.

Lemon is one of the most beneficial fruits of all that exist. The same is used to dress salads as to dress fish and meat. Diluted its juice in water, it reports countless health benefits. But, its uses do not end there. In fact, it has been proven that this fruit has multiple forms of use in the home. Try to get the juice out of them completely and take advantage of it in pursuit of a healthier life.

1. Eliminate nausea

Symptoms and causes of dizziness and nausea

Whether caused by pregnancy, by car or plane travel, nausea is always annoying. With two drops of cold lemon oil squeezed on a sugar cube you will have enough. Once you have the sugar cube prepared with lemon essential oil, wait for it to dissolve in your mouth. In a few seconds, the nausea will be gone. Yes, it’s that simple!

2. Make the silver shine

In many homes, it is common to have silver cutlery; especially, when they are family inheritance. That is why it is so important to keep them in perfect condition. The same could be said about the care of jewelry made of this precious metal.

In this case, you will need to place the juice of ten lemons in a plastic container. Inside this, you must place your jewelry or covered with black spots. Let them sit and then run them through warm water. Dry them with a chamois cloth. This procedure is much safer than common commercial chemicals.

3. Lemon removes bacteria from your bath sponge

Have you ever stopped to think what happens to your bath sponge after a few weeks of use? Believe it or not, the moisture from the bathroom and the bacteria it removes from your body accumulates in it. This makes them a source of infections and bad odors.

It doesn’t mean that you need to change your sponge every week. You only need to disinfect it once a month. To do this, you must add the juice of 15 lemons and mix it with hot water. Dip the sponge into the mixture and let it sit for 24 hours. When you take it out, it will be like new and you can use it like the first day.

4. Repel ants


Have ants taken your kitchen by storm? Surely, you do not want them near your children or fruits. For sure, you will agree with us that it is not advisable to use chemicals either. If so, place the lemon peels in the areas where you see these insects most often. Also, be sure to put some peels near the places where they usually enter your home.

If the ants have already settled inside your home, spray some lemon juice directly on their usual path. This removes its traces of pheromones and prevents others from entering.

5. Keep your microwave oven clean

Many people use to heat food in the microwave. The problem with this habit is that the oven fills with bad smells and food remains. A simple remedy is natural lemon. Thus, you could apply the drops of lemon and soap on the sponge with which you will wash the oven.

Another alternative is to place a cup of water with the juice of a lemon on the baking sheet. Turn the oven on for a minute or 2, so that the water inside it evaporates. Then clean the inside with a soft sponge.

6. Natural bronzer

Have you ever wanted to get a tan but can’t go to the beach? This no longer has to be a problem. You just need to make a infusion.


  • ½ liter of water
  • 3 green tea bags
  • juice of 1/2 lemon


  • Heat the water. When it comes to a boil, add the three green tea bags.
  • Allow the decoction to take place for 10 minutes and add the lemon juice.
  • Let cool and apply overnight. The next day, you will have a tanned skin tone without having to go to the beach.

Although this remedy is natural, it is best not to use it constantly. Because lemon is irritating, you may experience some skin discomfort if you use it for a long time.

7. Disinfect the toilet

The toilet usually accumulates tartar. As time goes by, it becomes more difficult to remove it. When you see this start to appear in your bathroom, use lemon essential oil.

A teaspoon mixed with any powdered scale spray and 2 tablespoons of vodka will eliminate the problem. Mix all the ingredients and let them act in your toilet for 10 minutes to half an hour. Then clean as usual. The result will be a clean bathroom. However, the effort will have been minimal.

8. Eliminate red wine stains

One of the biggest fears for anyone is red wine stains on clothing. The stains of this drink are difficult to remove with traditional soaps. Instead, lemon is very effective and will eliminate the problem very quickly.

Before washing your garment, spread it out, soak it, and sprinkle it on the stain. Then, apply a little paste soap and just on top, the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. Let stand 10 minutes and rinse with boiling water. Finally, wash as usual and you will see that the stains have disappeared.

9. Eliminate shoelaces

Are you about to start an exercise routine after a long time? Will you try a new sport? Surely you fear the appearance of the annoying shoelaces. To eliminate them, you only need to consume a glass of mineralized water with the juice of a lemon. A couple of hours later, the discomfort will have disappeared and you will be able to move with total comfort.

Follow these tips and take advantage of the lemon for much more than just a garnish. Worth it!

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