Natural Remedies To Combat Eye Bags

Eye bags can be a telltale sign of exhaustion. They are formed due to the accumulation of fluid and natural fat under the eyes, which makes them appear “tired” and lacking in elasticity. The causes can be multiple: from lack of sleep, to a high level of stress or varied allergies.

Therefore, if puffy eyes have become part of your life, the first thing you should do is go to the doctor and find its cause. These bags can be your body’s way of asking you to incorporate certain changes into your daily life. For example, sleeping more hours or slowing down the pace of work. To eliminate them quickly you can try using these natural remedies.

Egg white

Egg whites are much more than a rich and healthy breakfast. You can also incorporate them into your beauty habits to reduce eye bags. What you need is an egg white and a small brush to spread the white over the skin.

You just have to wait about 20 minutes for it to dry. You will know that it is time to remove the egg white because it will have dried and will have become a slightly white layer. Wash with lukewarm water and enjoy hydrated and toned skin.

Cucumber slices to reduce inflammation

Placing a slice of cucumber over each eye has become a beauty classic. And it is not surprising, considering the many properties it has.

Cucumber not only provides an immediate sensation of freshness, but, thanks to its scientifically proven anti-inflammatory effects, it helps to eliminate eye bags. Its high content of  vitamin C and silicon oxide, helps prevent fluid retention.

It is enough to obtain the two slices, place them in the freezer and, once cold, place on the eyes for 10 minutes.

Avoid salt

Salt causes your body to retain more water than normal, which makes us feel bloated and heavier. Although it is common to focus on the dreaded cellulite, this retention affects many parts of the body, including the eyes. Eliminating salt from your diet is not easy, but it has many health and beauty benefits.

Don’t forget to read the nutritional information on packaged foods. Avoid products that contain large amounts of sodium and are processed.

Flashes continuously


During the deep phases of sleep we blink more than normal. The purpose of blinking is to keep the eyes hydrated. If you don’t sleep well or blink enough throughout the day, the natural fluids in your eyes don’t disperse properly.

This is a very common cause of eye bags that hardly anyone identifies. Try to blink more regularly during the day.

Chamomile tea or green tea

Chamomile and green tea are two calming drinks, antioxidants, activate metabolism and eliminate free radicals. . This effect is not only transmitted to our humor, but also to our face.

Once you consume your tea, take the sachets and store them in the freezer. When they are cold, place a bag over each eye and wait 10 to 15 minutes. This remedy is very fast and leaves you feeling very fresh.

Hydrate yourself to avoid eye bags

If you don’t consume enough water, your fluid retention is likely to increase. And, therefore, eye bags appear, along with dry skin. Remember to consume two liters of water a day. With this, you maintain a hydrated, nourished skin and facilitate the various functions and cellular metabolic processes. Therefore, as soon as eye bags start to appear, watch your water consumption.


In the event that you cannot find a cucumber at home, you can substitute it with a raw potato. The procedure for using it is exactly the same as with cucumber. In the case of potatoes, it is the starch that benefits the skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory. 


Milk is another really beneficial substance to combat eye bags. You only need to dip two cottons or a cloth in a little warm milk. Apply on the skin, avoiding that the milk enters the eyes. Leave the cotton or cloth on for about 15 to 20 minutes to relieve stress and tension from your eyes. Afterwards, rinse with a little lukewarm water.

Use two cold spoons

If your problem persists, you can try using two metal spoons. You will need to take two clean spoons and put them in the freezer. Leave them there overnight or at least 5 hours. Place one over each eye at the height of the bags and leave them until they reach room temperature. You can use this trick every two weeks to get significant results.

The anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of different foods can help combat eye bags. However, it is recommended that if they persist, you go to the specialist to identify their origin. In the meantime, you can try these simple tips that may temporarily relieve them!

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