10 Foods Rich In Selenium To Delay Aging Naturally

Selenium is a mineral with a high antioxidant power. This virtue helps us prevent aging caused by free radicals, both externally and internally.

In this article we introduce you to the 10 foods of plant origin that are richest in selenium and that you can include in your diet, not only because of their properties, but because they are very inexpensive.

Selenium to delay aging

Among the many benefits of selenium are:

  • Selenium helps us fight free radicals that make us age.
  • It favors the correct metabolization of fats.
  • Stimulates and helps the immune system.

Lack of selenium can cause premature aging, as well as a predisposition to heart disease or diseases related to the thyroid gland, among others.

However, we cannot abuse this mineral either, as it could cause some health problems. When it comes to including them in your diet, you can first consult your nutritionist or also your reference doctor.

Also read: 7 tips to naturally activate a weakened thyroid

Foods Highest in Selenium

1. Brazil nuts

The easiest way to get the right amount of selenium we need each day is to eat two or three Brazil nuts.

Also known as chestnuts from ParĂ¡ or coquitos, they are the richest food in this element. Of course, we should not exceed this daily amount.

2. Oats

This cereal is one of the most nutritious, since it is rich in vitamins as well as elements such as selenium, potassium, zinc or magnesium.

In addition, oats contain a good amount of fiber, which is why it favors intestinal transit. You can consume it cooked with milk, vegetable drink or in soups and broths.

3. Walnuts


Walnuts are a very antioxidant food thanks to their content of selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C, three essential components to feel good.

In addition, other of its nutrients, such as B vitamins, zinc or essential fatty acids, help us improve the health and appearance of our skin and hair.


4. Pumpkin seeds or seeds

Pumpkin seeds cannot be missing from our diet, as they allow us to enrich any salad, cream, rice or pasta

They are rich in essential fatty acids, B vitamins, selenium and zinc. We can also consume them in the form of cold extraction oil. If you consume them toasted, be careful with those with added salt, they usually exceed the recommended daily amount.

5. Mushrooms

A serving of approximately 100 grams of mushrooms contains 15% of the recommended daily amount of selenium. This makes them an essential food to get a good dose of this mineral.

Mushrooms are, in general, rich in protein and low in fat, making them a very healthy ingredient for our regular recipes.

Visit also : Learn to grow mushrooms at home

6. Beans

The beans are excellent for health, since they are vegetables (pod) and legumes (seed) at the same time. They are rich in minerals such as potassium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and calcium. We should consume legumes at least two or three times a week at least.

7. Nettles


The nettle is a wild plant little known in gastronomy. However, it is a food that stands out for its iron and selenium content, as well as vitamins A, C and K and whose consumption is completely safe. We can also take it as an infusion or supplement.

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is ideal to add to all kinds of vegetable juices, gazpachos and salads, as well as a refreshing aperitif. Its very high water content makes it ideal for quenching thirst. We can also apply its peeling on the skin of the skin to hydrate it, give it firmness and relieve it in case of burning.

cucumber harden nails


9. Garlic

This ancient and medicinal food can not be missing in any healthy diet for its health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant thanks to its selenium and allicin content. So that it does not lose these effects, we should get used to eating it raw or marinating it in oil.


10. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent supplement to help prevent disease. It contains good amounts of selenium, zinc, chromium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as vitamins of group B. Brewer’s yeast can be consumed as a condiment, or in salads, creams or pasta.

Beer yeast

From now on, include these 10 foods in your diet to notice some effects that will help you feel better.

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