7 Types Of Envious People

Envious people are those who have a desire to have or do what the other person has achieved. This makes them feel bad, although sometimes it is taken as an impulse to achieve their own goals.

It is important to stay away from these types of people, as they are usually toxic. All they want is to see how others fail, instead of supporting them and rejoicing for their successes, because they are not their own.

Envious types of people

There are several types of envious people. It is normal for human beings, on certain occasions, to feel a bit envious of other people. This is usually momentary, and can deviate into so-called healthy envy.

Possessing “healthy envy” is the positive way to yearn for what the other has. It is a sensible and mature way of accepting that, although we do not have the same as them, we are happy with their happiness and it serves as our engine.

On the other hand, envy is considered negative when, in addition to wanting what the other gets, it tries to do him some kind of harm. Either manipulating, criticizing or using some mechanism so that others do not feel worthy of your success.

According to this study carried out by Dr. Cecilio Paniagua, this could be due to behaviors suffered in childhood related to the feeling of inferiority and rivalry during their psychological development.

Within this type of negative envy, there are 7 types of envious people that it is advisable to identify. Surely some sound familiar to you and even make you face them:

1. The sadistic-sarcastic

This type of person takes it all with a lot of humor, but gives himself away when he emits sarcastic smiles that are the prelude to a great bombshell.

They try to camouflage the negative with the positive, so they say phrases such as “thank you, but you could have asked me what my favorite drink was before you brought me one.”

2. The direct bullet

She is the one who does not hesitate to throw her dart at you, directly, with a comment related to your physique, such as “what an ass you have thrown!”. They are usually people insecure of themselves and their body, they need to make you feel bad and that way you do not enjoy or be satisfied with what you have.

3. The one that oozes negativity

This type of envy does not stop saying one negative word after another. For example, if you say that you have found a job they will tell you that you will never get a permanent contract, that they will kick you out at the slightest opportunity, and so on. In short, they manage to depress you, especially when you are full of happiness.



4. The sweet killer

The sweet killer is one of the most dangerous envious people . It starts out slow, taking a toll on your self-esteem with their comments, until it ends up wrecking you completely.

In this way, if you tell her to dress quickly, she will do it slowly so that you are late for where you need to go. In short, it is subtle and hurts you without expecting it.

5. The busybody

The nosy person lives snooping where he shouldn’t, in everyone’s life. At first, you may not perceive her as a nosy person, but as someone who just wants to help. However, over time you will realize that all he is looking for is to intrude on your life.

6. The egomaniac

The egotistical person always tries to outdo you, especially in public, through comparisons.  If your dog is big, hers will be bigger, if your room is bright, hers will radiate luminosity. They are not satisfied with what they have and want to pretend otherwise. Of course, they are very seductive as well as liars, a double-edged sword.

7. The one who stalks

It’s not against you, but it’s not in your favor either. It is simply out of the way, absent, watching your every move. In this way, when something bad happens to you, he lets you say “you see? I told you so . They just wait, silently, to attack at the right time.

Why do they envy me?

If you have identified any of the people mentioned, you may wonder why someone might envy you; why do they want to hurt you if you live your life without getting involved in other people’s. The answer is simple: they are not happy with their life and far from fixing this, they get into yours.

It is important to know how to stay away from these people, since they only bring headaches. You cannot make them change their minds, because only they will have to realize at the precise moment that envy is not the way.

It is a toxic feeling, something that should be eradicated because it undermines, frustrates and does not allow progress. It is the consolation of those who do not know how to accept themselves as they are, and project onto others the damage that they once suffered.

You are stronger than envious people

Do not forget, under any circumstances, that you are stronger than this class of people. His best weapon is also his greatest weakness, since envy hurts those who suffer from it.

Thus, the only thing that an envious person should inspire is pity. They will suffer much more than you, since there will always be something they yearn for and envy. Don’t let them enter your life and corrode you, you don’t have to be anyone’s punching bag.

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