6 Symptoms That Warn Us Of A Possible Depression

Depression. It is one of the most frequent diagnoses in primary care consultations, a mood disorder that is capable of paralyzing our lives and that opens doors to our happiness. Why is it so common today? Work pressures, feeling of loneliness, family problems, lack of personal space and quality of life.

The causes that determine depression are multiple, as well as very personal. We must remember that no depression is the same, and that not all people process emotions or problems in the same way. Hence, when treating depression, several areas are needed: psychological therapies, pharmacological help, social support and, above all, a clear personal will to overcome this “tunnel”.

Let’s see today in our space which are the most relevant symptoms. For your health and well-being.

Symptoms of possible depression

There is an important fact that many health professionals tell us: depression is not always easy to diagnose, since it is sometimes confused with other disorders. Typically, primary care physicians have little time to make a diagnosis and often focus more on that headache or insomnia than on the true underlying reality: depression.

Hence, it is essential that we are aware of what is happening. Discouragement, sadness, or frustration often lead to psychosomatic symptoms, such as back pain or trouble sleeping. They are side effects of an emotional problem that has not been managed effectively.

Be aware of the following symptoms. If you identify with 4 of them it is possibly an indication of depression. However, the most important thing is that you go to a professional.

1. Insomnia in possible depression

We are not talking about a temporary insomnia, but a chronic one that prevents us from recovering our strength, which makes us wake up tired and without courage. We often resort to sleeping pills to find rest, but the normal thing is that we go to bed and that it is difficult for us to fall asleep because there is something that worries us.

Sleep can be affected in many psychological disorders. However, there appears to be a clear comorbidity between depression and insomnia. This is stated by Antonio Benetó-Pascual, a researcher belonging to the Sleep Unit of the University Hospital of La Fe, in Valencia.

According to the neurophysiologist, there are patients who inherit a type of sleep with weakness in certain phases of sleep, which would allow the early appearance of REM sleep and this fact would confer on them a vulnerability throughout their life to suffer from depression.

2. Appetite disorders

Do you notice that you eat out of anxiety? Or maybe you are one of those who has completely lost the desire to eat? There are people who notice how they gain weight without knowing why, while others may fall into eating disorders that may be related to depressive symptoms.

3. Obsessive thoughts

Woman with negative thinking

There are beliefs that do not go out of the mind. Questions, images or memories that we cannot forget. They are obsessive thoughts that fill us with anxiety and that we cannot control. Something like this generates great mental exhaustion and great hopelessness.

4. Negative and guilty thoughts

In addition to those obsessive thoughts, it is very common for us to fall into a very characteristic negativity. We see everything from the darker side and we lose the illusion as soon as we get up in the morning.

We torment ourselves with feelings of guilt. It is even difficult for us to accept help from other people and we prefer moments of solitude.

In addition, according to research published in the journal Cognition and Emotion , the negative thoughts of people who have depression have sensory qualities. Specifically, the bodily ones predominate, followed by the auditory and visual.

5. We have trouble concentrating

We can feel absent or off-center. We forget many things and it is very difficult for us to focus our attention on something in particular.

We feel tired and, in turn, we are exhausted when others call our attention because of our mistakes or mistakes.

6. In a possible depression, we have a hard time making decisions

Crying woman with depression

You know that you should ask for help, or even more so, you are aware that the best thing for you would be to face what is happening. However, you feel incapable.

In any case, as soon as possible, we recommend that you go to a specialist if you have symptoms of depression.

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