10 Natural Treatments Against Cold Sores

Here are some of the natural remedies that can best help you alleviate the discomfort of cold sores, together with the pharmacological treatment that your doctor has prescribed. 

Cold sores or also known as “fever blisters”,  is popularly known by the name of ‘fire’. This is because one of the main discomforts it produces is the burning and itching sensation at the point where the blister breaks out.

The infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). In general, the infection is produced by direct contact with a person who has an active outbreak (through a kiss, for example), or by the use of contaminated items (lipsticks or towels, among others).

Before blisters develop, the person experiences tingling, itching, and burning sensations. Then fluid-filled blisters appear, which will later break open and become sores. It should be noted that wounds do not usually leave a mark.

It is a very common disease and it is estimated that most people in the United States have suffered from it before reaching 20 years of age. However, the number of cases has dropped considerably in recent years.

How to cure and treat cold sores naturally?

In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, certain natural remedies can be applied to alleviate the pain caused by cold sores. In general, all the discomfort revolves around the appearance and rupture of the blisters. 

Before applying any natural remedy, it is extremely important to always clean the affected area first with water and antiseptic soap. This will prevent contamination and spread of the virus. It is also important that each time the affected area is touched, they wash their hands. 

1. Garlic treatment

Wooden spoon with peeled garlic cloves.

Garlic is a natural antiviral that is a great ally to combat herpes, all you have to do is: cut a garlic clove in half and rub it on the blister for 1 minute. Once the time is up, the garlic is discarded and the procedure is repeated with a new clove. You can apply this treatment as many times as you want.

2. Black tea treatment

Placing a black tea bag on the affected area can also help relieve cold sore discomfort. It will only be necessary to boil the water and place the bag, as if the drink were to be prepared, and before it cools, it is squeezed a little to remove the excess liquid and it is placed on the blisters. 

3. Ice treatment

Just like ice is used to relieve other ailments and inflammations, it also works for cold sores. At the first sensation of swelling or tingling in the lip area, it is recommended to apply a bag full of ice wrapped in a disposable napkin for a few minutes. 

4. Treatment of tomato and aloe vera

Another natural treatment for cold sores is a combination of two elements: a fruit and a plant. It is neither more nor less than tomato and aloe vera crystal.

A tomato is chopped and mixed with the glass of an aloe leaf. It can be taken to the refrigerator to cool and then applied directly to the affected area. This remedy will help dry the blister.

5. Treatment with green tomato

Another remedy that fulfills the same functions as the previous one is simply composed of the pulp of a green tomato with a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda. This mixture is applied directly to the affected area with a little cotton and left to act for a few minutes. Later, it is removed with clean water and antiseptic soap.

6. Lemon treatment

Lemon is a fruit that also has disinfectant and antiseptic properties that will help fight the cold sore virus. To take advantage of it, it will only be necessary to cut half a lemon and squeeze its juice. With the help of a dropper, we will take a few drops of juice and apply them on the affected area several times a day.

Lemons in half.

7. Treatment with milk

Milk is high in lysine, a component that helps inhibit the amino acid arginine , which is the amino acid that causes cold sore outbreaks. Therefore, a treatment with milk can accelerate the healing process. All you have to do is moisten a cotton ball with milk and rub it on the blister.

8. Treatment with yogurt

Plain yogurt, with no sugar or added, is also a natural substance that can help treat the virus of cold sores, because it is a food rich in lactic acid, niacin and vitamins of group B. While you can eat, it can also be applied directly as an ointment on the blister. It is recommended to apply very cold so that the feeling of relief is even greater.

9. Salt treatment

Another natural remedy that helps relieve cold sore symptoms is to place salt on the affected area. To do this, you only have to take a spoon and, with the help of another spoon, press it until it is completely dissolved. Once ready, a cotton ball is taken and applied to the affected area about 2 or 3 times a day. 

10. Treatment with honey

Handmade honey pot.

Another natural remedy with great antiseptic properties is honey. In this case, a teaspoon of pure honey should be combined with a little vinegar  and then applied to the affected area. This procedure should be repeated 3 or 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear.


  • So that the blisters dry as soon as possible, it is important to clean them properly every day.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Avoid eating foods with arginine, such as chocolate, beer, cola drinks, gelatin, peas, peanuts or walnuts, among others.
  • Blisters should not be broken or dead skin removed in case of dryness.
  • Wash your hands before and after handling the affected area. 
  • Discard, or disinfect very well the materials with which the area was handled.

While a cold sore outbreak may come back, it can be treated with the help of these remedies. In the event of any variation or increased discomfort, it will be necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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