Tips And Remedies For Long And Healthy Hair

In recent years, long hair has become fashionable again. If you want to show off long and healthy hair, you can’t miss this post !

We share with you the best tips and natural remedies to make your hair look healthy, shiny and beautiful. Let’s go there?

How to achieve long and healthy hair

The best thing you can do to have long, healthy, shiny and abundant hair is to resort to natural remedies or masks. In addition, you do not run the risk of having an allergic reaction or your hair being damaged without being able to remedy it.

There are many home treatments, but few guarantee effective results. Therefore, here we bring you some tips and remedies that could work and offer results in a short time.

Natural remedies for hair

Let’s see together the best home remedies to achieve long and healthy hair.

1. Bean ink with white wine


  • ½ cup of beans (225 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • ½ cup of white wine (250 ml).

How do you do it?

Boil the half cup of beans with the cup of water. When the water is completely red, add the 1/2 cup of white wine and let it cool for only fifteen minutes. Afterwards, you apply it to the hair and leave it on for another fifteen minutes.

You can put on a spray cap so that the mixture penetrates much better. After time, rinse your hair with a salt-free shampoo and apply conditioner. Repeat this every eight days and you can have very good results in a very short time, although there is no scientific evidence about it.

Rosemary.  A natural remedy for long and healthy hair

2. Onion shampoo

This homemade shampoo is a bit unusual, but it is totally effective for your hair growth.


  • 1 red onion.
  • shampoo

How do you do it?

Take a red onion and cut it into slices; Add a couple of the onion slices to your shampoo and let it ferment for eight days. Apply the shampoo every day and then the conditioner. This remedy will make your hair grow very fast and it will also provide shine and softness.

According to a study published in The Journal of Dermatology , the topical application of onion juice can contribute to the treatment of alopecia areata, promoting healthy hair growth

3. Oil cocktail


  • 1 or 2 tablespoon (s) of argan oil (18/36 ml).
  • 1 or 2 tablespoon (s) of coconut oil (18/36 ml).
  • 1 or 2 tablespoon (s) of almond oil (18/36 ml).

How do you do it?

Place the three oils in a container. Take this mixture and apply it to the root of your hair. Massage for five minutes with your fingertips, until the oil cocktail is fully distributed.

Put on an aluminum spray cap to activate the mixture with the heat, and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse your hair very well with your shampoo (preferably without salt) and don’t forget the conditioner.

Apply this every day for a week before going to sleep and you will get excellent results. You can repeat this process every month so that your hair grows fast and healthy.

We hope you liked these tips to achieve long and healthy hair and you put them into practice!

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