5 Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist

He is not the specialist most visited by young women and, according to statistics, neither by older women, but his attendance is mandatory if a healthy sexual and reproductive life is to be guaranteed. Here are 5 questions to ask your gynecologist.

The modesty to raise problems of intimate life and the fear that they will say that something is wrong are frequent causes why women come to the gynecologist with suspicion. Let’s be honest, general check-ups are not a priority in many and they tend to go, almost exclusively, when there are infections and suspicions of pregnancy.

Most do not take into account the importance of having a control with a specialist, but you cannot go through life without guidance. Even more so today when the onset of intimate relationships is increasingly early and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) abound.

It guarantees a healthy sexual and reproductive life with the consultation of a specialist.

The doubts you should ask the gynecologist

Once encouraged to go to the consultation, avoid scares, bad times and consequences for the lack of prevention taking into account these 5 questions to ask your gynecologist. The goal is to improve the quality of your sexual and reproductive life.

1. Is my menstruation regular?

The usual menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. It starts on the first day of bleeding and ends the day before the next bleeding. An alteration in your period can be an indication that something is wrong and your gynecologist can help you find out, as well as keep a record.

2. What contraceptives do you recommend for me?

Each woman’s body is different and her sex life is different, so the specialist is the ideal person to consult how to take care of an unwanted pregnancy before taking general measures.

3. Do I have to maintain specific hygiene?

The intimate area is very sensitive and needs special attention and care. For this, it is conducive for the gynecologist to evaluate the requirements of your body.

Generally, they recommend not washing more than usual and following basic hygiene rules, such as not using a tampon for more than four or six hours, to avoid infection.

4. How can I get pregnant?

This is a very common question. There are couples who for a long time seek to conceive and do not succeed. It is frustrating and exasperating. That is why it is relevant for the gynecologist to rule out any type of disease or condition and, if necessary, refer to a fertility specialist.

5. Is my discharge or vaginal normal?

Vaginal discharge is the secretion of fluids through the vagina. Depending on the color (white, yellow or brown) it can be considered normal or a sign of an infection. The gynecologist can help you to know if there are irregularities and establish a treatment if necessary.

The choice of the gynecologist.

The importance of attending the consultation

As you may have read, the gynecologist is there to inform you, avoid unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and, in some cases, regulate your menstrual cycle.

The benefits of having a specialist in this area are immense. You can consult him about pain in the mammary glands and, in this way, diagnose or rule out diseases in time.

It is very important to go to a gynecologist to carry out an adequate control of the sexual and reproductive system. You must ignore other people’s experiences and go regularly.

So when to go to the gynecologist?

Actually there is no established rule, but it is recommended to have the first visit to the gynecologist between the ages of 13 and 15, if the girl has developed. Thereafter, you should go for a checkup at least once a year.

It is also recommended to go to a consultation in case of experiencing discomfort such as:

  • Itching
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Abnormal smell in the vaginal area.
  • Bleeding between one period and another.
  • Unusual or persistent vaginal discharge.
  • Bleeding after having sex.
  • Suspicion of contagion of sexually transmitted disease.
  • Family history of sexual diseases, including cases of breast cancer before menopause.

When going to a consultation, you should rule out any issue that worries you or is relevant to your health. If you have not attended, go ahead and do not forget to take into account the 5 questions to ask your gynecologist.

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