The 6 Best Sports To Prevent Heart Attacks

The truth is that any activity that involves keeping the body moving can be very useful to prevent heart attacks and improve our quality of life in general

Aerobic exercise is essential to enjoy a healthier and stronger heart. Would you like to know which are the best sports to prevent heart attacks, reduce obesity and improve the respiratory system? Next, we will tell you about them.

What is a heart attack?

Myocardial infarction appears due to insufficient blood supply due to obstruction of the coronary artery. The most common causes are a blood clot and progressively developing atherosclerosis.

Risk factor’s:

  • Tobacco
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Hypertension
  • Family background
  • Advanced age
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet

Sports and heart health

Physical activity is good for your health, in every way. That is not a novelty. However, there are more appropriate disciplines depending on the condition we want to improve. Sport has the ability to prevent heart attacks, aortic insufficiency, hypertension, etc.

If we exercise of moderate intensity, in the long term we will modify our lifestyle and we will move away from the possibilities of suffering many pathologies and ailments.

Sports that reduce heart or vascular disease are those that are based on interval exercise. That is, they alter effort with rest or recovery. These disciplines have more positive effects on general health and are associated with better cardiac and metabolic performance.

On the other hand, these sports activities are recreational in nature, which means that they do not include a competitive component. In addition, they involve moving large muscle groups and are also beneficial from an emotional and social point of view.

What are the sports that can prevent heart attacks?

What are sports

The exercises that we will indicate below have more than positive effects on health, they stimulate cardiorespiratory endurance as well as muscular strength. Together, all the benefits they bring reduce the risk of heart disease.

Among the sports that help prevent heart attacks we find:


Actually, here we can group other exercises that are developed using a racket, such as paddle tennis or table tennis.

  • These disciplines are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, as they lower blood pressure and improve heart function.
  • Tennis combines high intensity interval components with breaks when serving or scoring a point.
  • The energy expenditure of this sport allows in turn to control fat weight and improve muscle function. Therefore, it is recommended for diabetics and people with obesity.



It is an exercise of moderate intensity that, in addition to serving to prevent heart attacks, is recommended in patients who have already suffered one.

  • Hiking improves the response of the heart by increasing the cavities of this organ and the entry of blood for each beat.
  • In addition, while we walk, the transport of oxygen and other nutrients increases.
  • It improves the health of blood vessels, facilitates venous return to the heart or lungs, and allows deep breathing.
  • To take advantage of these benefits, the walk must be done in rural settings, regardless of the time of year.


Without a doubt, it is one of the most complete sports that exist and, in addition, it is beneficial for heart health. When swimming we exercise a good part of the muscles and develop neuromuscular coordination.

As for the benefits for the heart, we must highlight the control of blood pressure. As if it were not enough, swimming increases energy expenditure, reduces cholesterol and fat weight.

Among the additional advantages of this sport we can also mention that it does not produce impacts on the joints and that it can be practiced at any age. Swimming is recommended from the age of 40 to prevent heart attacks.



This mountain sport may be considered dangerous or for young and athletic people. However, sliding through the snow may be what we need to have a healthy and strong heart. Although skiing itself is not so recommended, traveling distances on flatter terrain such as Nordic walking is.

It offers several benefits for the cardiovascular system, since it requires a considerable energy demand of the aerobic type. Heart size, heart rate, blood pressure, flow, and blood volume are markedly improved when skiing.


All the exercises considered aerobic are “heart-healthy” and, in addition, they intervene in neuromuscular coordination. Dance, aerobics, or any dance help maintain a healthy weight, as up to 260 calories can be lost in half an hour of moderate activity.

In turn, this type of discipline has an important playful aspect and, therefore, is capable of reducing the harmful effects of stress. Also, you don’t have to attend a class at an academy. We can simply dance to our favorite songs at home.


An exercise indicated for people who either want to prevent a heart attack, or have already suffered it. If practiced regularly and the intensity is adequate, it allows to mobilize the muscles of the legs, buttocks and hips.

In addition, it also reduces the risk of having a heart attack, since it balances blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and the possibility of suffering thrombosis.

Other benefits of cycling are:

  • Increases sensitivity to insulin.
  • Stimulates the production of chemicals responsible for mood and stress.
  • Prevents the appearance of osteoarthritis or herniated discs.

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