Hydatidosis Or Hydratic Cyst, What Is It?

Hydatidosis , also called hydratic cyst , is a little-known disease caused by certain parasites, such as certain larvae or some types of worms. It consists of the formation of cysts in organs such as the liver or lung.

These cysts are like small bags covered with a membrane, which contain these parasites. The problem is that these cysts can grow and reach a significant size, affecting the organ they occupy.

In the same way, they can also break, releasing those parasites inside us and causing very harmful reactions, such as anaphylactic shock. Although they can be asymptomatic for years, it is important to know that hydatidosis has a high risk of complications.

Unfortunately, human hydatidosis is a disease with a high incidence. In fact, it is more frequent in people who are dedicated to agriculture or livestock. It is even related to having a dog as a pet.

There are areas in the world that are considered endemic for hydatidosis, that is, they are geographical regions in which the disease is installed and its inhabitants are much more susceptible to contagion.

What is hydatidosis?

As we have already mentioned, hydatidosis is a disease that is caused by the infection of a parasite. Specifically, it is an infection by Echinococcus granulosus or E. multilocularis larvae. This type of pathologies follow a complex cycle, due to the life cycle of these species.

In order to explain how the disease occurs, we have to understand that these parasites need two hosts. That is, two species that allow them to go from larva to adult worm. That is its life cycle.

In hydatidosis, the definitive host, which is the one that allows the adult worm stage to be reached, is usually the dog. What happens is that it is the human who usually acts as the other host.

In short, man is the one who becomes infected with the larvae, which cause the so-called hydatic cysts. This infection usually occurs because, without knowing it, we sometimes eat the meat of certain animals that have eggs of these worms.

To understand it better, let’s look at this example. A dog has an adult worm in his gut. In its feces it expels the eggs of these worms, which end up on the ground.

Sheep, cows, or goats feed on grass or soil and become infected with these eggs. We, when we feed on their meat, the same. Mainly, the meat that produces the most human infections is that derived from the entrails of cattle for consumption.

When these eggs reach the intestine, they pass through the intestinal wall and pass into the blood. From there, they travel throughout the body and are deposited in different organs. Most commonly, they do so in the liver or lungs.

What symptoms does it produce?

Once the eggs or larvae have been deposited, the cysts that will produce the symptoms of hydatidosis are formed. These symptoms will depend on the organ in which the cyst, or cysts, is located, since several can form.

The hydratic cyst usually grows slowly over years. Studies estimate that they grow one centimeter per year, being able to reach a size of 20 centimeters. For this reason, the most common is that they cause damage to the organ in which they reside, as if it were a tumor.

It is important to know that most cases are detected accidentally. This is so because many remain asymptomatic for years, until they reach a relevant size. Cysts are usually detected through abdominal ultrasounds requested for other causes.

However, hydatidosis in the liver can cause serious damage. First of all, it is very common for the cyst to cause an obstruction of some of the pathways through which the bile is expelled. Symptoms of hydatidosis in the liver are usually jaundice and abdominal pain.

Gallstones manifest with pain.

Hydatidosis in other organs

Hydatidosis also often occurs in the lung or brain. When cysts occupy the lung, symptoms are usually coughing, respiratory discomfort, and even the expulsion of blood through the mouth when coughing.

In the case of cerebral hydatidosis, the symptoms are more severe. They vary depending on where the cyst is in the brain, but seizures are most common. There may even be personality changes or a coma.

In conclusion,  hydatidosis is a complex disease that is caused by a parasite that is mainly related to dogs. It is usually asymptomatic and diagnosed by chance. Once it has been diagnosed, it usually requires treatment to avoid all possible complications.

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