6 Habits That Give You Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are more common than we might think, especially in women. Therefore, it is necessary to take certain measures and abandon certain habits.

Have you ever suffered from yeast infection? Women are usually exposed to yeast infections, for this reason it is necessary to discover what habits should be changed to prevent them.

Yeast infections can be very bothersome. Sometimes they are occasional, but if they are repeated relatively frequently, then it is necessary to see a doctor to recommend the appropriate treatment and change some daily habits.

In this article we show you some reasons that can cause this type of problem. Keep reading!

Causes of yeast infections

Here are some habits that you may unconsciously engage in in your daily life that may be leading to yeast infections.

1. Use lycra underwear

Woman with cotton underwear

It is possible that if you check the drawer of the underwear you will find some lycra. It is a very comfortable fabric that stretches and adapts in a pleasant way to your skin.

However, the problem with this fabric is that it normally does not allow the skin to breathe well and does not absorb moisture. If you have yeast infection problems, try substituting lycra for cotton underwear.

Cotton is usually a skin-friendly fabric. This is because it absorbs moisture easily, allows you to breathe, and slightly decreases your chance of getting a yeast infection.

2. Incorrect habits when going to the bathroom

This is usually a very repeated recommendation. Every time you go to the bathroom, if you clean the intimate area from back to front, it favors an infection to appear.

If we clean ourselves in this way we cause the bacteria from the rectum to go into the vagina, which causes, in one way or another, a yeast infection. Therefore, it is necessary to modify this bad habit and see the difference.

3. An excess of hygiene

Intimate wipes

Too much hygiene can make you more susceptible to getting a yeast infection. The problem is in the frequency and also in the methods used. Dr. Santiago Palacios tells us the most common:

  • The vaginal douches : alter the vaginal flora causing irritations. They can cause inflammation, vaginal dryness, bacterial vaginosis and expose you to STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).
  • Wet wipes : can cause irritation and leave the area damp. If we add to this the use of lycra underwear, it is an exceptional breeding ground for infections.
  • Deodorants and sprays for the intimate area : can cause allergic reactions, irritation and infections. Although they are suitable for that area, their strong fragrance can affect the health of the vagina.
  • Disrespectful soaps : soaps for the intimate area should be mild, although they should not be abused either. Washing the area once a day (two at most) should be enough.

Excess is never a good thing, so better hygiene doesn’t mean you’re doing better.

4. Beware of panty liners

Many women use panty liners every day. However, it is only advisable to use them when you have a heavy flow or in the last days of menstruation.

Although they are breathable, it is not good to always use them. This is because the intimate area has to breathe, in addition panty liners have perfumes, are synthetic and can cause itching. It is better to change underwear as needed, before resorting to panty liners as a daily protection measure.

5. Tight clothing is not a good ally

Health problems-from-the-use-of-tight-clothing

Tight clothing, such as tight jeans or leggings, are not good allies for the intimate zone. The problem is that these types of garments increase the body temperature of the area and the humidity. 

For this reason, it may be better to use these garments occasionally and opt, whenever possible, for others that are a little looser.

6. Urinate after having sex

Has it ever happened to you that you have contracted cystitis after having sex? This can be avoided, or at least should be prevented, if you urinate after sex.

The reason why you can get a yeast infection after having sex is due to friction, secretions and, above all, you have to be very careful if you have anal sex and, later, vaginal sex. Well, the bacteria from the rectum will pass into the vagina, says Dr. Palacios.

Yeast infections and how they incapacitate

Yeast infections are not a lesser evil. Cystitis is very uncomfortable and can sometimes even make you feel unable to focus on what you are doing.

It is important that you take the indicated precautions, especially if you tend to have very frequent infections and do not know what you are doing wrong. In any case, it should be remembered that it is best to always go to a specialist.

Introducing some of the above habits can make a difference. What type of infection do you suffer most often? Are you aware of what causes it?

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