Stroking Is An Art Capable Of Restarting Our Heart

Stroking is an art designed to strengthen bonds, to awaken sensations, emotions and pleasant pleasures. Our skin is a minefield of infinite receptors capable of alleviating fears, offering happiness and reaffirming a relationship.

Now, we know that not all caresses are pleasant, that not all physical contact is comfortable or pleasant. The caresses are reserved for those who inhabit our hearts and, believe it or not, they are almost like an indispensable “food” that we offer to each other.

A baby needs the caresses of his loved ones to feel loved and for many of his brain structures to mature. At the same time, a couple that does not practice the wise art of caressing does not enjoy full relationships, those simple gestures that raise entire universes of complicity.

Caress with the senses, caress from the heart

Our skin is like a minefield of more than 5 million nerve endings that translate everything we receive from our environment into feelings and emotions.

The skin transmits cold, heat, repulsion, pleasure, affections and many types of emotions. There are the healing caresses of a mother with her child, the caress of a friend who gives us support, that of our partner who transmits his sincere love to us.

Nor can we forget an obvious fact: all living beings seek caresses and enjoy them.

Animals offer them to each other, our pets ask for them and they offer them to us. It is a type of language that comes directly from that emotional brain that understands that touching whoever you love is beneficial.

Discover: I love hugs that make me close my eyes

Stroking is the art of fostering our empathy

Who caresses understands that this action is pleasant. Understand that the fact of feeling the contact, skin to skin, of the person you love and appreciate, builds a positive and healthy relationship.

Now, there is one aspect to take into account. At the couple level, there are those who make the mistake of understanding that caresses are an exclusive part of sex, which is that previous phase to promote adequate stimulation.

It is not like that, the art of caressing is not exclusive to sexuality, it is an essential language among human beings who share some kind of bond, be it filial, family or sincere and significant affective.

I caress you because I know you need it, because I understand that this way you will feel supported, loved and recognized.

All this is a clear reflection of empathy, hence those who only seek to be caressed but at the same time forget to caress or hug their loved ones reflects a form of subtle selfishness that can sometimes be somewhat problematic.

Hands that transmit light

Oxytocin, the glue of living things

Oxytocin, in addition to being a hormone, is a neurotransmitter. We could define it as that “glue” of living beings that favors love, affection and care; that reduces stress; that strengthens the bond between couples and that fosters the union of the mother with her baby.

  • Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is secreted from the pituitary gland to travel throughout our body.
  • Thanks to this fascinating chemical that we can promote through caresses or hugs, we stimulate behaviors such as caring, empathy, compassion, and enhance aspects such as sexual desire or even breastfeeding during child-rearing times.
  • The higher the amount of oxytocin in our body, the lower the frequency of aggressive behaviors. It is something wonderful.

Losing the fear of touching those who love and love us

There are shy, insecure people, not used to physical contact. Sometimes, it is very difficult for us to establish an enriching relationship with those who do not know, do not dare or avoid this type of language.

The love that is not touched, is not sought and is not communicated with caresses, kisses or hugs is a half-empty love that usually leaves many victims. We are missing something.

Therefore, do not hesitate to promote this type of communication without words, try to make these gestures everyday and common.

A caress on the face, on the hand, a hug for good morning or farewell, or an unexpected kiss are wonderful acts that build those little things that unite us so much to each other.

A hug

Do not forget either the need to raise children with that healthy attachment, skin to skin when they are babies, and cuddling and hugging when they are older.

We know that there will come an age when they will avoid it, but they will do so out of simple pride, because in the depths of their being every person feels pleased to be caressed by a loved one.

It is a gesture that confers support, an “I will always be here for you” or “You are an important part of my life.”

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