Calendula And Its Health Benefits

Whether applied topically or as an infusion, calendula is a very effective medicinal plant that we can use to alleviate multiple conditions

Calendula It is one of the medicinal plants best known for its benefits for the skin. Being so cheap and easy to buy, it is one of the most popular remedies.  It is a great healing, healing, repairing and moisturizing.

The first thing you should know is that it is a herbaceous plant that measures a maximum of 50 centimeters high. You may be able to get it close to home if you live in rural areas. It is also called garden marigold, marigold flower, or marigold.

You will quickly identify it by its beautiful bright orange color that fills the fields as soon as spring begins and until the first frosts appear. In case you want to take advantage of its benefits during the winter, you can put it to dry when it is fresh.

It is enough to place a few branches of calendula on a flat surface under the rays of the sun. You can then store it in a well-sealed glass jar or plastic bag.

Fights minor burns

The Burns Mild can be very irritating and painful. They tend to happen when you spend too much time in the sun’s rays without sunscreen. In this case, you can apply a little calendula infusion at room temperature or a piece of fresh calendula.

If you have the fresh plant on hand, you just need to make sure you chop it up with the knife. Then, mix to make a paste combining the natural juice of the plant and apply on the affected area.

If you prefer to prepare the infusion, follow this recipe:


  • 1 sprig of fresh calendula or 1 tablespoon of dried calendula (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the calendula.
  • Let stand over medium heat until it boils, turn off the heat and let the water cool.

Once the water is at room temperature, apply it to the area where the burn is with a clean cotton cloth.

Reduces inflammation

Ice against inflammation

The skin can be affected by different problems. In addition to burns, you can suffer minor scratches and wounds. If you’re not careful, these accidents can become infected and lead to more serious problems.

To prevent infections from appearing or to treat those that have already appeared, you can apply calendula infusion or a paste of it . Regardless of which method you choose, it is very important that the calendula is completely clean and free of dust.

Once you apply it, you should wait a day or two to see the small infections and redness go away.

If the infection is widespread or has a bad smell, you should see a doctor as soon as possible . You may need other care.

Calendula against insect bites

Mosquito biting

When you go out for a walk in the countryside and during the hot season, you should use repellent. However, if you have already been bitten by  mosquitoes , or other insects such as spiders or fleas, you should avoid scratching yourself.

This will only make the problem worse, as you will spread the bug’s venom. This will make you go from one granite to several in the same area. The best is that Apply calendula infusion compresses every so often.

These will reduce inflammation and itching. In a day or two you will no longer have any discomfort and there will be no marks on the skin either.

Eliminate phlegm

Do you have a cough with phlegm And are you already tired of not being able to sleep? Do not despair and better prepare a cup of marigold infusion. Use this drink as a mouthwash or gargle .

This will speed up the expulsion of phlegm and you will be able to recover earlier than planned.

Calendula is certainly much more than just a pretty plant. Its properties can benefit you with very little effort and almost no investment.

What are you waiting to include it in your pantry?

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