Procrastination: The Mistake Of Leaving Everything For “tomorrow”

Although at first we do not see it as a problem, procrastination ends up leading to one, since obligations are delayed to such an extent that never are carried out

There are many people who, although they have something important to do, are capable of leaving it for another day. This is something that happens very regularly. In fact, it has its own name; procrastination.

Procrastination is based on the habit of putting off tasks that, in the end, are never completed. It is necessary to mention that these are usually activities that reverse a certain degree of responsibility. Since those of less relevance, for various reasons, do not usually lag at those levels.

Take, for example, school time. Leaving the exercises of the most difficult subject for last. Well, the same happens in this case, although when you really suffer from procrastination, these are never carried out.

Child who makes good use of time

Procrastination and problems

Procrastination can lead to family problems.  Although also regarding the relationships that the individual forges with other people. Those who tend to fall into the error of procrastination, generally generate doubts in others about the established plans. Mainly because they tend to put them off; or at the last minute, being late.

If anything, that kind of attitude can ultimately lead to more serious problems. For example, the difficulty in making important decisions quickly and effectively. As well as the delay in the delivery of projects. Acts that can lead to dismissal.

This is still a problem that can manifest itself in different areas of life. From not knowing how to keep the house tidy to a high level of disorganization in terms of other daily chores.

Regardless, it is important to differentiate the need to rest, and stop doing tasks for a while, from procrastination. Procrastination is a barrier to being able to start serious activities of importance.

In reality, it can be considered a mode of self-deception for the person himself. Whether it is due to reasons of laziness, lack of motivation or even fear when starting it.

The reasons for postponing everything to “tomorrow”

Being a procrastinator can be a symptom of a problem. It can even be linked to a psychological disorder, such as anxiety or depression.

It is also important to bear in mind that not all people who have this problem suffer from some pathology or disorder that affects their mind. Sometimes it is a clear sign of a great lack of self-esteem.


The procrastinator may come to feel that he cannot please anyone and that, at the same time, makes him feel guilty. Instead of solving the problem, he plunges into a loop of guilt. Ultimately, this can trigger your self-esteem to drop lower and lower.

In this way, you will only get to doubt yourself and will not be able to finish anything on time, because you will believe that it is not done in the right way yet. 

The procrastinator, in the same way, is afraid of rejection, that the decisions he makes are not the correct ones and that he will be judged for it. The large backpack that he carries behind him has the word “guilt” engraved on it.

The excuses

The worst thing about this attitude and not solving the self-esteem problem that he suffers is that the excuses begin to make an appearance. These excuses are not only a weapon towards others, but towards oneself. With them, the procrastinator tries to feel better about the way he acts in front of others. It is actually a vain attempt to justify yourself.

However, excuses are not the only thing that defines this profile of people, but we can find other types of characteristics. For example, the perfectionism they show and that causes them not to deliver projects or work on time.

Also, they have a great fear of failure. So they will try to avoid it at all costs in any way, possibly using excuses.

In other cases, we can observe how these types of people are excessively critical of themselves and suffer from a deep pessimism that prevents them from getting what they want.

Procrastination can be overcome.  But the first step is to recognize that you have a problem and that it must be solved if life is to return to normal.

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