9 Tricks That Will Help You Keep Your Food Fresh For Longer

When we buy food in the market,  we try to store it in the best way so that it does not spoil before its time. While some last in perfect condition even for weeks, others tend to break down quickly when not treated properly.

The problem is that we are not always cautious when handling them. Thus, in a few days, we realize that they are no longer fit for consumption. For this reason, it is good to know some conservation tricks that are useful to keep them fresh for longer, and thus avoid waste.

In the next space we want to reveal 9 tricks so that you can start applying them from now on.


1. Freeze the milk

freeze milk

Did you buy too much milk and still haven’t been able to spend it? Don’t let her get bad!

If you don’t want to prepare other recipes with milk, pour it into a clean container and freeze it following these rules:

  • First, freeze only fresh milk.
  • If you are going to keep it in its original box, remove a small amount, since its size will increase when it freezes.
  • Also, avoid storing it for more than 6 weeks.

2. Wrap the lettuce in paper

Lettuce leaves that tend to decompose easily can be kept longer when wrapped in paper. For this, we can take advantage of newspaper sheets or similar. This material helps absorb moisture and prevents fungi and bacteria from proliferating.

3. Use plastic wrap to preserve your bananas


Bananas are one of the foods that tend to spoil easily, as they ripen quickly and their texture changes immediately. If you want them to keep in good condition for more days, take some plastic wrap and cover the part where the bunch joins.

However, if it is too late and they have already ripened, take the pulp and freeze it to enjoy it in smoothies and cakes.

4. Store your sauces in airtight bags

To avoid wasting the remnants of homemade sauce that you prepare for your dishes, purchase several bags with a hermetic seal and store it in the freezer. This technique will help keep the food in good condition and, later, you can add it in stews, soups and all the dishes you want.

5. Put your onions in a glass of water


Green chives stay freshest when cleaned well and stored in a glass or container of water. 

Therefore, cut the leaves that you do not need, remove the remains of soil and submerge them. They can last for up to two weeks.

6. Put the fresh herbs in a glass jar

To keep fresh herbs that way for longer, clean a glass jar well, and make sure that the inside is not damp.

  • First, cut the herbs finely and put them inside.
  • In this way, they will not spoil or change their aroma or texture.

7. Preserve avocados with the help of an onion


Although it is best to eat avocados when they ripen, there is a simple trick that helps preserve them when you do not want to eat them right away.

To do this, simply put the fruit in an airtight container and accompany it with an onion cut in half.

8. Put the honey in glass jars

Did you know that honey does not have an expiration date? Since its components keep it fresh and free of microorganisms, honey is one of the foods that can be stored for years without losing its properties.

  • The problem occurs when it is not treated properly (for example, by storing it in the refrigerator).
  • Indeed, low temperatures tend to crystallize it and then it is difficult to extract it for use.
  • On the other hand,  it is not advisable to use aluminum or other metal containers, as it can oxidize it and change its flavor.
  • Therefore, it is best to put it in airtight glass jars and leave it at room temperature.

9. Keep apples in the refrigerator

store apples

Apples are one of the fruits that usually last several weeks without presenting changes in their taste, smell or texture. However, they can be stored for up to months when placed in the refrigerator.

The important thing is to leave a little space between one block and another (for example, with newspaper). And it is that, if for some reason, one of them breaks down, they can damage the others.

Do you want to prolong the freshness of your food? Keep in mind all the tricks mentioned and see for yourself that they are ideal to keep them in good condition even as time passes.

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