How To Keep Hair Straight And Shiny

To have straight and shiny hair, it is essential to take care of it both externally and internally. In addition to hair treatments, our diet plays a key role in your health.

Although it does not have to happen to all of us, some women seek to have straight and shiny hair. We spend a lot of our time getting it done, but sometimes we use the wrong products.

It is essential that we maintain a routine of natural beauty if we want to achieve our goal and transmit a healthy and full of vitality appearance.

In fact, hair is part of the image we give to the world because it represents aesthetics and health. There are home treatments to prevent the fall and give it movement. These range from face masks to specialty shampoos.

We should always take care of it because our hair is exposed to sunlight, sweat and pollution. In addition, we have to be careful  not to abuse chemicals such as hair dyes and treatments to straighten it. Excessive use of these products can cause side effects.

If you want to keep your hair straight and shiny, you will notice the changes with our little tips. Don’t neglect your hair and give it the vitality it deserves.

A good diet is the key

Assorted foods.

An important key is to  maintain a balanced diet. Food should provide us with vitamins and minerals that give hair vitality.

It is necessary that you include in your diet foods and products that contain a high content of vitamin B6, fatty acids and proteins.  These nutrients can be obtained by consuming almonds, tuna, bananas, eggs, milk, and tomatoes.

A balanced diet helps healthy and strong hair growth, according to this study conducted by the Baylor College of Medicine (United States). If you do not have any type of food allergy or illness, you should not exclude these nutrients from your diet.

Chemical-free conditioner and shampoo

Woman washing her hair.

Some products we use daily are made from irritating chemicals. These products in the long run only damage and irritate the scalp causing serious consequences.

If you are looking for straight and shiny hair, you should try to avoid the excessive use of these products. When purchasing a shampoo or conditioner, it must be free of chemicals such as sulfate, salt or parabens.

You should avoid those beauty items that contain alcohol,  as they weaken the hair fiber and make the hair look weak and dull. In addition, they make you dry, by depriving you of the natural oils produced by the scalp.

Don’t wash your hair so often

The cuticle needs care because it is exposed to attacks by pollutants and suffers the consequences. To have straight and shiny hair, you should avoid washing it daily. With this practice you will affect the health of the scalp, making it dull and brittle.

Washing hair is a process of wear and tear, so to take care of it it is advisable to use cold water. You should use a shampoo that gives your hair softness and shine, and apply it using circular movements.

Thus, you will be able to stimulate growth and the production of natural oils that give it a natural shine. If you choose to use a conditioner, remember that you should always distribute it on the ends to avoid that greasy effect caused by using it on the roots.

Don’t rub your hair while drying it

Woman touching her hair.

Once you have finished washing your hair, you should not rub or squeeze it roughly or too vigorously. This can cause an unwanted effect such as curling and curling.

Considering that you have damp hair , get rid of the knots with the help of a comb, preferably with wide teeth. You can start from the bottom to the roots. It is advisable to go by sections, adding the leave-in conditioner.

Then continue combing it until you make sure that the product has been distributed evenly. Once you’re done, let it air dry. If you have a cold or cold or it is simply winter and you do not want to be cold, nothing happens. Remember to adapt these tips to your personal needs and preferences.

Natural masks for smooth and shiny hair

Sometimes it is necessary to resort to aesthetic care for hair beautification using masks. There are natural treatments that are easy and simple. In addition, being homemade, they offer countless benefits and leave your hair smooth and shiny.

Coconut or olive oils are the most used. Being rich in nutrients, they help to strengthen it by providing maximum nutrition, and helping it to enhance its hair structure. To use it, you can use two tablespoons of olive or coconut oil.

According to this study carried out by the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, the vitamin E contained in olive oil provides a high level of antioxidants that are very beneficial for the scalp.

  • Heat the chosen oil by rubbing it on your hands until warm.
  • Then proceed to massage the scalp and let it act for a few minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. It is important to remember that this treatment can be done twice a week.

You have many ways to strengthen your hair, and to keep it that way you should always pamper it with a beauty routine that involves permanent care. In this way you will achieve smooth and shiny hair.

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