Hiding And Feigning Emotions Affects Your Partner

Faking emotions is not positive for any of our relationships, much less if we refer to our partner. But who would want to hide or simulate what they feel? This happens because we have confused emotional management with hiding.

It is true that giving our emotions total freedom could have fatal consequences. Some of them are the regret, almost momentary, of what we have transmitted to our partner.

Therefore, it is necessary that we remember what happens when we are “hot.” We do not think clearly, we speak nonsense and, on many occasions, we hurt the other person. This does not mean that we have to keep quiet about what we feel, but rather learn to transmit it in the appropriate way.

The fact fake emotions can have devastating consequences for our relationship. A strategy that will have no turning back.

Communication in the couple

When we do not express what we think, healthy communication is not taking place in the couple. We are keeping things that would need to be shared.

Let’s take a very simple example. Imagine that something is bothering you, like not cooperating enough at home, having unhealthy habits … whatever. If you do not express your opinion, you will be causing a focus of negativity to be installed within you.

Your discontent can manifest itself in absurd arguments, in inexplicable outbursts of anger and, meanwhile, your partner will not understand what is really happening.

Little by little, this situation will get worse and worse and it may even cause you a great rejection of that person with whom you share your life. All this because you have chosen to fake emotions, instead of expressing them.

For some individuals, this is the easiest option. Perhaps because they are afraid of the possible reaction, perhaps because they assume that it will not help or because they want their partner to realize what is happening and rectify it. But you know what, if you don’t tell him, he won’t guess.

Faking emotions for extroverts and introverts

Do you have an introvert or an extrovert personality? If you feel identified with this last option, you may not have many problems with the previous point.

Most likely, you seek communication from the couple, sharing the different points of view you have. However, being an outgoing person does not prevent you, on occasion, from hiding what you feel. Fears, insecurities, circumstances … There are several causes that can lead you to fake emotions.

The big problem is that you can feel terribly bad. You will realize that you are not doing the right thing and you will have a great need to communicate what you feel.

Keeping it to yourself can cause it to become encrusted inside you and transform, for example, into anxiety. The same does not usually happen if we are introverts. In this case, it is often difficult to fight against this manifestation of emotions. A “requirement” that is very difficult for us.

Introverts tend to feel comfortable expressing what is right and necessary, keeping some feelings to themselves. However, this does not mean that they do not feel bad faking emotions. They realize that they are lying, that they act in a way that they are not themselves.

Learn to be assertive and not fake emotions

In order for us to stop faking emotions with our partner, it is important that we learn to be assertive. What does this mean? In short, begin to express what we feel trying not to harm the other person.

So if you find yourself in the middle of an argument, it may be best to wait a few minutes or time to speak and state how you feel and what you think. Otherwise, you may hurt that person you love so much.

In addition to being assertive, it is essential that we begin to manage our emotions. For this, it is convenient that we know how to identify them.

Recognizing what we feel will allow us to express it in the best way. In this way, we do not hide what is consuming us inside and we are sincere with our partner.

Remember that trust and sincerity are the keys to a healthy and happy relationship. Going against these values ​​can have fatal consequences. Maybe not now, but over time. Don’t hurt your partner by pretending and hiding your emotions.

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