6 Tips To Prevent And Treat Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprain is a very common injury that occurs for different reasons such as falling badly on the foot or exercising on an uneven surface. We give you a series of tips to avoid this problem or treat it once it has occurred.

Ankle sprain is a fairly common type of injury, especially in people who usually perform physical activities on a regular basis. This is caused by  a strain or tear of the ligaments that hold the bones of the ankle.

Ankle sprains that do not heal properly, can lead to problems such as constant pain in this area of ​​the body, instability, joint arthritis, among others. Therefore, it is important to take into account some tips to avoid this condition.

Tips to prevent ankle sprains

In many cases, self-care and some pain relievers may be enough to treat a sprain. However, as we mentioned, if you don’t pay special attention to your care, it can lead to other complications. Next, we will tell you how this problem could be prevented.

1. Do proprioceptive training

This is a fundamental training, generally carried out by athletes, which seeks to strengthen the ligaments and prevent the appearance of new ankle sprains. Its main function is to prepare this part of the body to respond to future injuries. It is generally recommended that they be supervised by a physical therapist, to avoid aggravating the injury.

2. Balance both legs

All people tend to maintain a predominant limb. This can cause the other limb to not develop as it should. As well, having one ankle stronger than the other is a problem, since it increases the risk of future injuries.

To prevent sprains, you need to train both legs equally. Likewise, a balanced muscular development of both extremities is essential, which enhances the muscles and the good condition of the ligaments.

3. Perform muscle training

There are several causes behind swollen feet and ankles.

Proper muscle training will optimally strengthen the ankle area. This will help prevent sprains and other injuries, since the muscles that protect the ankles would be in good condition. To achieve this, you must train, not only with a good intensity in the exercises, but also with balance and coordination activities.

4. Eliminate the fear of sprained ankle

After a sprained ankle, many people fear that the injury will recur. This generates some limitations, both in posture and when performing certain activities. Therefore, in order for the area to heal properly and prevent recurrence of the sprain, it is necessary to find a balance with the other foot.

A good recovery treatment helps to optimally mobilize the ankle. Thus, the person will lose fear of a future injury. Also, after the rest time advised by the physiotherapist, it is essential that this part of the body receives the appropriate stimuli.

5. Treat it appropriately

When you sprain your ankle, it is essential to follow these simple tips from the Mayo Clinic:

  • Rest. Overloading the injured area can be painful and hinder your recovery.
  • Apply ice. Using ice packs or placing the ankle in ice water for periods of 15 seconds every two to three hours is very convenient for this problem. Always taking into account the resistance threshold of each person.
  • Put on a compression bandage. Compressing the area can help decrease swelling, as long as it is adjusted in a way that does not compromise blood circulation.
  • Elevate the ankle. Placing the area above the level of the heart can help with swelling, especially when lying down.

6. Rehabilitate the ankle

Only when the rest period indicated by the doctor is exceeded can rehabilitation begin. In this way, once the inflammation of the affected area is reduced, some mobility exercises will be gradually introduced.

Rehabilitation physiotherapy will seek to restore full mobility, as well as the strength, stability and flexibility of the affected ankle. It will be the professional himself who will give the guidelines during the process, taking into account the severity of the injury and the specific characteristics of each case.

Other tips to prevent ankle sprains

In addition to those mentioned in the previous list, there are other habits that can be included in the daily routine to avoid this injury, such as warming up before exercise and wearing the right shoes, taking special care when walking on an uneven surface and using a support tape on the previously injured ankle.

If you have suffered from this problem or want to prevent it from happening, follow these simple steps to properly strengthen and rehabilitate this area.

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