How To Make A Diet To Reduce Cellulite

Eliminating cellulite is a war that some have to deal with day after day. In fact, there are even those who have certain complexes due to their presence. Therefore, below we will present a good diet to combat and reduce cellulite.

Aesthetic cellulite is an alteration of the structure of the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. It can generate circulatory changes that, as they worsen, become visible. It is usually due to an accumulation of fat, fluid and toxins. When this dysfunction occurs, the skin appears irregular and with small bumps; It is the so-called “orange peel”.

To reduce it, we must start by changing our lifestyle. What we recommend is to start with food. It is not about a temporary diet, but about eating healthy for the rest of our lives with certain “sins” allowed, which can be sweets or other foods, although in a timely manner.

Diet to reduce the effects of cellulite

The cellulite diet must be continuous over time to avoid its reappearance.

The word diet can be annoying for some people, but here we use it as a synonym of commitment and responsibility with the changes that must be generated and maintained. To reduce cellulite you should eat foods low in sugar.

To begin these changes, we can apply the following plan to design the menu of the day. This will help prevent us from accumulating fat and will allow the body to detoxify and be free of toxins that cause diseases.

  • Propose a fasting protocol: intermittent fasting has proven to be effective in seeking weight reduction. It can also be effective in fighting cellulite.
  • Avoid snacking between meals. These often include unhealthy ultra-processed foods that negatively impact health and body composition.

    What to avoid

    • Avoid sweets as they have concentrated sugars: You can afford one or another candy, but remember that these should not be eaten every day. Ideally, one a week.
    • Forget about refined carbohydrates: No flour, no rice, white bread or common pasta. You can replace them with their integral versions. They are healthy and you will not feel the change.
    • Reduce the amounts of salt you add to your meals: Salt contributes to fluid retention and this promotes the appearance of cellulite. Season your food with herbs and avoid using processed products.
    • Ditch Poor-Quality Fats: Fried foods, chicken skin, shortenings, and ultra-processed foods are potential sources of these fats. As far as possible, avoid its consumption.

    Reduce the carbohydrates that come from sweets.

    3 fruits that should not be missing in a diet for cellulite

    There are certain foods that can be especially effective in reducing cellulite, although always under a context of adequate diet and physical exercise.

    1. Grapefruit or grapefruit

    There are many properties that this fruit will provide in the fight against cellulite. It contains very high levels of vitamins A, B and C. In addition, it helps you lose weight, feel full and reduce your appetite. That is why we recommend starting the day with a good grapefruit juice.

    It also reduces cholesterol levels and is an excellent ally against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

    2. Pineapple

    With pineapple you will avoid fluid retention, take care of the health of your colon and detoxify the body. In addition, it contains vitamin C and helps you lose weight. Eat three slices a day, one with each main meal.

    Pineapple helps reduce cellulite.

    3. Apple

    It is a fruit with a special power against cellulite. It makes food move more easily and quickly through the intestinal tract. In addition, a medium apple can only provide 80 calories, so it also helps satiate and lose weight.

    The apple contains pectin, a type of fiber that improves the biodiversity of the microbiota. A positive impact on the intestinal flora may be reflected in a greater reduction in body fat, according to a study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 

    To this trio can be added, melon, Chinese oranges and pomegranate. All with an excellent flavor and contribution of vitamins that fight the appearance of cellulite. They are an excellent option as snacks and you can accompany it with nuts.

    What else can you do to avoid cellulite?

    We have already told you that food is the beginning of this great path that you must travel to mitigate and bring to a successful end a diet for cellulite. Considering the points that we have already specified, we invite you to:

    • Do not abuse shoes with high heels.
    • Avoid wearing very tight clothing.
    • Say no to stress, because it generates hormonal changes and the distribution of fat can be altered and modified.
    • Do some physical activity. Walk for half an hour, go up or down stairs, ride a bike. Exercise should never be lacking, its benefits are diverse and surely you already know them. It is proven that sports practice is capable of improving body composition.

    Cellulite can be fought with diet

    The cellulite diet is about following a balanced diet. The goal is for it to become a lifestyle and not a restrictive diet. Enjoy the change and remember that the body is a temple that you must take care of.

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