Gansito Dessert

The gansito dessert is a classic of Mexican pastry. It was created in 1957 by the Marinela firm that belongs to the well-known Bimbo brand .

The image of the product was the key to give it the proper name: gansito. Today we will discover all the ingredients and how we should make this delicious dessert. We encourage you to try it, as it is delicious!

Gansito dessert recipe


We will need different ingredients to make the cake and the filling for the gansito dessert. Also, we must take into account the strawberry jam.


  • 250 g of flour.
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast.
  • Vanilla essence.
  • Orange zest (optional).
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Butter for the mold.

Butter mold


  • Strawberry or strawberry jam.
  • 500 ml of liquid cream.
  • 1 tablet of dark chocolate to melt.

Strawberry jam

  • 1 kg of strawberries.
  • 700 g of sugar.
  • The juice of one lemon.


  • 1 bowl
  • 1 manual mixer.
  • 1 sieve.
  • 1 mold.
  • Sulfite paper.
  • 1 large knife or pie cutter.
  • 1 saucepan.
  • 1 wooden or plastic spoon.
  • Oven.
  • 1 spatula

If you dare to make the jam yourself, we recommend that you also have a large bowl, a large pot and a wooden spoon.

Strawberry jam


Now that we have the necessary ingredients, we are going to make the cake, the filling, the jam and the ganache separately. In this way, we will make this dessert step by step and properly.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 ºC.
  • Beat the eggs with the sugar until you have a white cream. Add the vanilla essence and the orange zest.
  • Sift the flour, yeast, and salt.
  • Butter a mold and place a sulphite paper.
  • Add the mixture and place in the oven. Bake for about 30 minutes.


  • Beat 300 ml cream until you get a thick texture.
  • Cut your cake in half with a large knife or pie cutter.
  • Fill the cake with the cream and the strawberry jam.


  • Wash the strawberries and cut them into thin strips.
  • Put them in a bowl with the sugar and let them marinate for a day so that they release all their juice.
  • The next day, place your strawberries in a large pot and sprinkle them with the juice of a lemon.
  • Cook them over low heat without a cover for 1 to 3 hours.
  • Remove the foam that forms with a spoon.
  • To know that your jam is ready, put a teaspoon on a plate, when it cools slide it on a plate, if it moves with difficulty, you already have it ready.
  • We have given you some quantities to spare, but to preserve it, put it still hot in previously sterilized glass jars.



  • Put 200 ml of cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Chop the chocolate.
  • Add the chocolate to the saucepan with cream, previously removed from the heat.
  • Don’t stop stirring until the chocolate is completely melted.
  • Pour the chocolate in the center of the cake and spread on all sides with the help of a spatula.
  • You can garnish it with chocolate chips.
  • Put it in the fridge and do not take it out until the chocolate is solidified.

Data of interest

The gansito dessert does not have a high difficulty. In fact, it can be classified as “medium difficulty”. The processing time does not go beyond one hour. Of course, as long as we do not make our own jam, which will take us a little longer.

According to Mexican pastries, this gansito cake is usually served with whipped cream. However, we can take into account some additional recommendations:

  • Use top quality ingredients. They guarantee you a perfect result and final taste.
  • Use always a little soft flour and gluten, suitable for baking. Your cake will come out more with a uniform and light texture.
  • Assemble the eggs well to give the cake fluffiness.
  • It is better to use a rack and a medium height than a baking tray.
  • The best molds without a doubt the removable ones. If the mixture is very liquid, then use silicone. They have to be of quality so that the silicone does not bulge and deform your cake with the heat.
  • Always preheat the oven to 180ºC. Never put your cake cold. To save on electricity it is enough to preheat them 15 minutes before.
  • Remove the cake immediately from the oven. If you leave it inside, it will dry out and wrinkle.
  • Do not unmold the cake until it is at least warm. If you do it hot, it will break easily.

    Do you dare to prepare the gansito dessert? Remember to use quality ingredients and follow the recommended steps so that the result is as expected. Then, all that remains is to taste this delicious after-dinner!

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