Why Are There People Who Do Not Have A Partner And Do Not Care?

There are people who do not have a partner who lives at ease. Now, other people may have a difficult time understanding this life choice, even if it is not final. This is mainly due to the idea that, for a person to be fully realized, they must have someone to share their days.

For this reason,  when someone is single for too long in a group of friends or family, it seems strange. Questions appear, sometimes hidden behind a joke, about when the girlfriend or something like that. The truth is that there are benefits that people who do not have a partner see and enjoy.

People who do not have a partner … and live very relaxed

That acquaintance who does not have a partner and his closest ones are concerned, but in reality he is very comfortable and calm with his choice. Perhaps we should start by understanding that he does not feel alone or abandoned in this world, the company for him may go through other types of relationships.

It is necessary to get out of cultural prejudices that consider that a person is fulfilled by forming a family. Single people have other priorities and focus their energies on them.  In fact, the concept of family can be different for them and they get it with their friends, their pets or wherever they want.

What do single people enjoy?

People who do not have a partner have other priorities. In general, they usually share the following characteristics:

1. Absolute independence

There are people who have independence first. That freedom to manage schedules at will, enter and leave with whoever crosses the road without giving explanations. For them, getting through the days without being harassed by phone messages or boring commitments can be the best.

They feel so good about that space that belongs only to them, that they fear losing it if they have a partner. Perhaps, at its core, joining others is not what interests you the most.

2. Firm passions, difficult to share

People who do not have a partner probably have their libido set on other passions. Some cling to certain sports, as fans or as fans, and have too strong a bond with them.

Many times, when thinking about having a partner, they fear that they will be estranged from this great love. The mere fact of imagining losing a game due to a family outing already takes them away from any conventional idea.

3. They are like that, and they don’t want anyone to change them

People who do not have a partner and are very satisfied with their personality do not want to go through what many of their friends experience. And it is precisely that it is common for some to try to change their partners.

Evading that need of certain people to mold others in a way that best fits their range of ambitions wins the battle. The new rules are not for those with self-esteem and a life built around their own free will.

4. They are full of relationships, even if they are not loving.

The famous loneliness, which terrifies many people so much, is for them one more element of their daily life. They enjoy it because they know that when they need company, there is no shortage of friends to show up.

They are complete with a number of other links, which do not exactly go through a romantic or sexual side. Friends, club groups, co-workers… they never feel loneliness as a burden. Ultimately, they simply do not feel alone.


5. They seem a bit selfish, as they pursue their primary goals

The goals of people who do not have a partner and do not mind at all are usually very different from those in society. They are clear about where to go and work hard to make plans to find the best path.

Professional growth, the house, a trip, the last car … each of your goals is as valid as anyone’s. And maybe one day they will change positions or maybe not, but only they will handle it.

People who do not have a partner: they are happy in their own way

People who do not have a partner and do not care, generally do not notice what kind of relationships others have. Their interest is in themselves, in being happy in their own way. And so one day they feel they need a partner, they have the option of changing their position in relationships.

The rest of the people must forget that annoying pressure that they exert by asking questions or invasive jokes. The only thing that is achieved is to generate annoyance and sometimes, even estrangement, from loved ones.

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