Bitter Orange: A Wonderful Cure To Start The Day

As you already know, there are many types of oranges. However, bitter orange ( citrus aurantium)  has exceptional properties for our health.

It is a much smaller, rounded citrus with a lighter and rougher skin than the common orange. Its satiating and metabolism activating properties  make bitter orange a very useful natural remedy for weight loss. Do you want to know how to prepare a simple bitter orange-based cure? Keep reading.

Bitter orange benefits for your health

Bitter orange can have many uses. In fact, it is common to make essential oils with it for cosmetics, perfumes and other beauty treatments.

It is also a very useful resource in our kitchen, especially for preparing desserts. Its bitter taste gives them an original touch that combines very well with chocolate; Or we can also take advantage of it to make a rich bitter orange marmalade.

But in addition to cosmetic and culinary use, consuming bitter orange regularly can have all these health benefits:

1. Bitter orange is a metabolism stimulant

Bitter orange is rich in an alkaloid called synephrine that helps us activate the metabolism. Its pulp and the natural components in it are thermogenic stimulators.

The acceleration of metabolism implies an increase in the burning of calories, which, in turn, causes a rise in body temperature.

Although generally safe, in some people it can raise blood pressure. Therefore, if we suffer from hypertension, it is better not to overindulge in bitter orange.

2. Bitter orange helps treat indigestion

Something interesting to remember is that any bitter fruit or vegetable takes care of our liver and digestive health. Bitters are stimulants and regulators of bile acids, necessary for good digestion.

3. Bitter orange supports liver functions

Studies confirm that synephrine positively affects carbohydrate metabolism in the liver. In addition, bitter orange is a fruit full of antioxidants and vitamin C, effective substances to protect the liver from the damaging effects of free radicals.

How to prepare a bitter orange cure

Bitter orange and cinnamon tea

You have several options when it comes to consuming bitter orange to lose weight or improve your digestion.

You can, if you wish, have bitter orange marmalade. However, all jam includes some sweetener that detracts from its benefits.

You also have the option of consuming the fruit raw, but it has a lot of pulp, it is difficult to swallow and the taste is not very pleasant.

For our part we recommend an infusion: it is digestive and we take advantage of one of its most beneficial parts: the peel.


  • The rind of 1 bitter orange
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • The first thing we are going to do is wash the orange peel well, and then cut it into strips.
  • We heat that glass of water in a saucepan and add the cinnamon stick, the bitter orange peel and the tablespoon of honey.
  • Let it infuse everything for 20 minutes, and then let it rest for another 10.

We will drink it warm and fasting.  It’s delicious!

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