5 Signs That You Should Eliminate Gluten From Your Diet

Gluten sensitivity can manifest itself through gastro- intestinal and extra- gastrointestinal symptoms, such as fatigue.

Many people wonder if they should eliminate gluten from their diet . There are even those who have chosen to do it, even if they have not detected any problem.

We believe it is necessary to point out which are the main signs that you have difficulties metabolizing gluten. First of all, you have to know that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are two different things. The difference is that, while in the first some symptoms are manifested, in the disease an entire autoimmune process is unleashed.

  • It is a series of adverse reactions that run through the body to warn you that something is wrong. These can be so intense that your life could be in danger during one of these crises.
  • However, when you have a certain intolerance or sensitivity, the side effects are annoying but not to this point.

When to eliminate gluten from your diet

1. Digestive discomfort

slow digestions

This is one of the most obvious signs. They can appear in the form of gas, constipation or diarrhea and not always in the same way.

Sometimes you may feel flatulence, while at other times you suffer from constipation. However, the fact of suffering stomach or digestive discomfort after consuming foods rich in gluten can be an indicator of sensitivity to this protein, according to a study published in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology”.

2. The skin on the back of your arms bristles

The scientific name for this phenomenon is keratosis pilaris,  but you will know it as “goose bumps”. It occurs when we get excited about a song or empathize when a friend tells us about an extreme situation.

However, it can also happen for no apparent reason, right off the bat, in the back of the arm.

If this happens to you frequently, perhaps you should consider eliminating gluten from your diet. The cause of these episodes is the lack of vitamin A, derived from an ineffective synthesis of nutrients.

3. Tiredness


It is normal to have some fatigue after eating. The same does not happen when this sensation is intensified excessively with some meals. If you suffer from gluten sensitivity, the systemic inflammation derived from the ingestion of this protein can aggravate the feeling of fatigue, as stated in an article published in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology”.

4. Dizziness or headaches

Neurological problems are very common in people with celiac disease or people who are sensitive to gluten. This is because the blood that reaches the brain does not arrive in the state it should and, therefore, disorders appear in this area.

Unlike what happens in the previous case, the reaction is not immediate, so self-monitoring will only be useful if you do not consume the glycoprotein.

If doing so improves, in all likelihood you will have to eliminate gluten from your diet.

Hormonal complications

The most common hormonal imbalances that are produced by this intolerance are:

  • An exaggerated premenstrual syndrome.
  • Infertility with no apparent cause.

When these obstacles are linked to gluten, the gynecologist will know how to offer you a natural solution. Remember the need to visit this specialist once a year.

Go to the doctor to diagnose your gluten intolerance

Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are already very easy to detect from a medical point of view. Therefore, if you have identified any of these signs as your own, the ideal is that you go to the specialist to perform the relevant tests.

Fortunately, you have the advantage that large stores sell products adapted to this pathology.

In addition, the efforts to increase the offer of the important brands are every day greater. The vicissitudes of a few years ago are now history.

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