Use The Avocado Seed To Fight Cellulite

The avocado pit has the same nutrients as its pulp, which makes it a lethal weapon for cellulite

Summer is over and you return home with a few extra kilos, because you have skipped the discipline that you impose on yourself the rest of the year. Isn’t that the purpose of the vacation?

However, when you arrive, you realize that, in addition to being engorada, you have cellulite. Then the question assails you: What do I do to get rid of it?

You have at your disposal a wide variety of anti-cellulite products. Most of them are expensive, and you also know a lot of people who have told you that they don’t deliver the results they promise.

On the other hand, you do not like the idea of ​​subjecting your body to the absorption of artificial or adulterated chemicals: many popular brands have had creams and gels withdrawn due to the presence of toxic elements that, at the time, were not considered as such .

Therefore, it is best to use the avocado seed to combat cellulite, along with a balanced diet and proper hydration.

Why use avocado seed to fight cellulite

How do we apply the anti-cellulite cream

The so-called “orange peel”  is produced by the accumulation of water and poor circulation.

However, the usual lotions do not act to prevent fluid retention and improve circulation, but they produce an inflammation in the epidermis that helps you to simulate that you have a smooth skin.

Instead, the avocado seed stimulates lipolysis and circulation.

Lipolysis is the digestive process in which fat is broken down. For its part, microcirculation constitutes the transport of nutrients, while harmful cells are suppressed.

Therefore, the avocado seed goes directly to the root of the problem.

With it, you will make your own scrub, with the guarantee of using natural ingredients. Therefore, the secondary effects will be zero, as well as being a very economical solution.

How to prepare the scrub with the avocado seed

You will be surprised how easy it is to make this natural remedy.


  • 4 avocado bones
  • 4 tablespoons of olive, almond or sunflower oil (64 g)

Step-by-step elaboration

  • Chop the avocado seeds into very small pieces or grate them
  • Pour the zest or bits into a dry glass jar. This is important, as the water will damage the mix.
  • Add the oil and mix until it looks like a paste.
  • When it reaches the desired texture, store the mixture in a closed and dark place for 3 days.
  • After the indicated time, put it in the fridge (otherwise, mold will start to appear).

    How to apply it

    • As is often the case with this type of product, it must be done after showering.
    • The reason is that due to the hot water, the pores are more open and therefore the scrub penetrates more easily.
    • The best thing is that you apply it with a circular massage in the direction of the clock handles.
    • Rub in for 10 minutes.

    Other uses of avocado

    The use of the avocado seed to combat cellulite is just one of the many facets of this fruit. You can also use its meat for the following purposes :

    Mask for the skin

    It is a fruit rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that generate a special glow on the complexion. If you want to intensify its effect, we advise you to add honey, brewer’s yeast or yogurt.

    Anti-inflammatory gel for cervicals

    The aforementioned acids and their vitamin E will not only reduce pain, but will alleviate its cause. Best of all, it does not harm your body in any way, as with paracetamol or ibuprofen.

    Remember that even stomach protectors have side effects on your body.

    The best ingredient to lower cholesterol

    avocado cutter

    When you include it in your recipes, you are taking care of your health. Due to its nutritional value, you will be able to counteract the substances that cause the increase in cholesterol in the blood.

    Take it as a complement to your treatment, or as an element of prevention.

    Did you know that this food had so many qualities? Will you try our avocado seed recipe to fight cellulite?

    We guarantee that it will help you fight those unsightly skin encapsulations at an incredible price.

    Likewise, its meat will also bring you incalculable benefits.




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