6 Healing Properties Of Kombucha Tea That You Cannot Miss

Kombucha tea provides us with healthy bacteria that help us take care of our gastric health. By consuming it, we neutralize acids and reduce the formation of gases

Kombucha tea is a fermented drink with a slightly sour taste. Because of its high content of essential nutrients, it has been valued as a food for hundreds of years.

It is obtained by making a sweetened tea. Thus, to this is added a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts, better known as “kombucha mushroom”.

During fermentation, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and natural sugars (glucose) are generated which, together, form a gelatinous substance on the surface of the tea.

It has become quite popular for its probiotic properties, since it serves as a supplement to regulate the bacterial flora of the intestine and, incidentally, improve immune functions.

In fact, it is recognized as an important source of B vitamins, enzymes and antioxidant substances that, when assimilated in the body, improve many other aspects of health.

Taking into account that many are still unaware of its benefits, below we want to share its 6 main healing uses.

Do not miss them!

1. Kombucha tea helps eliminate toxins

Eliminate toxins

Kombucha tea provides high amounts of digestive enzymes and organic acids that, in the body, act in a similar way to the chemicals produced by the excretory organs to eliminate toxins that travel in the bloodstream.

  • Its contribution of glucuronic acid strengthens liver health and also improves the process that filters waste for later elimination.
  • It contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, responsible for protecting cells against the negative impact of toxic substances in the body.

2. Improves intestinal health

During the fermentation process, kombucha tea increases its number of healthy yeasts and bacteria, which make it a probiotic food.

These qualities provide important benefits on intestinal health, since it helps regulate the activity of healthy microorganisms that proliferate in the system.

  • Its consumption fights abdominal inflammation and, incidentally, reduces the formation of gases in the intestine.
  • Neutralizes excess acids in the gastrointestinal system, keeping its pH at stable levels.
  • In addition, it protects the intestine and stomach against pathogens that cause infections.

3. Protects cardiovascular health

cardiovascular health

Including this source of probiotics in your regular diet is a habit that can help strengthen cardiovascular health.

  • Its flavonoids and catechins help prevent cholesterol particles from adhering to the arteries, preventing disorders such as hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.
  • Healthy bacteria help decrease inflammatory reactions in tissues, a factor associated with heart risk.
  • In addition, it reduces circulatory difficulties, keeping the heart rate and blood pressure stable.

4. It is a natural antimicrobial

Due to its contribution of acetic acid and catechins, kombucha tea is a natural antimicrobial that can help prevent and control various types of infections.

Its healthy bacteria strengthen the immune system and help improve the response against the action of bacteria such as:

  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Escherichia coli
  • Salmonella typhimurium 
  • Staphylococcus epidermis

It should be mentioned that, in addition to this, it also has antifungal compounds.

These components fight effectively against the infection of Candida Albicans and other types of fungi.

5. Lowers blood glucose


Diabetes patients benefit from consuming kombucha tea. Thus, its antioxidants and natural acids help restore normal blood glucose levels.

  • In studies carried out with diabetic rodents, it was determined that this drink has the ability to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, a factor that allows optimizing the transformation of sugars into energy sources.
  • It also improves kidney function, which can be reduced due to this disease.

6.Prevents premature aging

The antioxidants contained in this natural drink are also a great support to prevent premature cellular aging, both of the skin and of the internal organs.

  • These help fight the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are reactive molecules that can affect DNA, proteins and other essential elements for health.
  • By protecting and optimizing the body’s cellular activity, it reduces the risk of developing different cognitive diseases.
  • In addition, the action of polyphenols and catechins mitigate the impact of the sun and toxins on the skin, preventing the appearance of premature signs of aging.

As you can see, kombucha tea is not popular by chance.

Thus, it is a drink full of nutrients that, added to the regular diet, can provide us with important benefits.

Of course, it is important to take it in moderate amounts. Preferably under the advice of someone who already knows how to prepare it.


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