How To Practice Yoga At Home

If you have read all the benefits that this discipline has for you but you cannot or do not have time to go to a class, do not worry. There are different basic routines to do at any time of the day. Learn how to practice yoga at home in the following article.

Doing yoga at home, is it possible?

You have the possibility to exercise both your mind and your body at home, without having to pay an instructor or adjust your schedule. It is important that you establish a routine and stick to it, and get involved with your decision to practice yoga at home.

Step 1: set your goals

Why do you want to practice yoga? Perhaps you are looking for a physical activity that you like, you have read that it helps to improve the flexibility of the muscles, you need a calm routine to eliminate stress, you are looking for something that helps you heal an illness or a way to peace or full realization. Once you have answered the initial question, try to find what things you want to achieve with practice, that is, what are your intentions.

Step 2: Get the necessary materials

The difference of doing yoga at home and in an academy is that, in the first case, you will have to acquire the necessary elements. At the very least, you will need a mat. You may need a blanket to cover you up at the end of class, a small cushion to support your head, a block, and some belts. All these materials are sold in sports stores. You can also use your imagination and look for elements that can replace them.

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Step 3: Determine the class time

One of the most frequent problems when choosing to exercise at home is that we always have many other things to do. So we put it off. Don’t make that mistake. If you write down on your agenda that Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. you have a yoga class, stick with it. Leave everything else for later.

Step 4: condition the place

You need to practice yoga in a spacious and comfortable place, such as a room or a living room. The important thing is that nobody bothers you, that there are no interruptions and that you can concentrate. The mobile and the telephone are switched off or disconnected. Try to practice when no one is home or when they are sleeping.

So you will not have calls all the time. The space must be sufficient not only for the mat to be placed, but also to stretch the legs and arms up and down and to the sides. If you want, you can add some incense or candles, as well as Zen or instrumental music.

Step 5: decide the frequency

Although there are yoga classes that last an hour and a half in an academy, you can practice half an hour per session. How many times a week are you willing to do it? Do not say from Monday to Sunday because you know that you will not comply. Determine an easy-to-achieve goal. If necessary later, add more days. Also, in the beginning it is good to start small.

Step 6: Learn about yoga

If you’ve ever been to a class before, you may remember some techniques or poses. You can also search for videos on the internet or go to a class at an academy. If they don’t offer you a free one, attend as an “observer.” If you know an instructor or have confidence with your former teacher, ask what they advise you to practice yoga at home. Remember that it is a complicated discipline and that you cannot do it without knowledge.

Step 7: Practice watching videos

This would be an optional step. There are videos, which can be purchased or downloaded, that offer you various routines for beginners. You put it on the television or PC and follow each of the instructions of the teacher that appears on the screen. You may even feel less alone by practicing at home.

Step 8: Structure the practice

It begins with stretching exercises, breathing exercises, and light meditation. This will calm your mind and eliminate bad thoughts. Then it’s time for the actual practice, whether it’s standing, sitting, or lying down. Lastly, don’t forget about the final relaxation (you will surely fall asleep).

Step 9: Intensify the practice

After several weeks of doing yoga at home, you will no longer be a beginner. That means that you will have the ability to increase the duration of the practice (you can increase it by fifteen minutes) and also the intensity of the exercises.

Try to find new positions to work on different sites or those techniques that require more movements, always taking into account your possibilities and listening to the signals of the body. If something hurts a lot, don’t go on.

Step 10: Add more days to practice

If you started with twice a week, go to three, then four, and up to five or six. You can leave Sunday, for example, off. If you do yoga and that is part of your daily routine, you will get many benefits on a general level.

Step 11: Maintain constant practice

Keep setting new goals, according to your progress. The challenge should never disappear, as well as the commitment and desire to improve yourself on a daily basis.

Step 12: Lead by example

As is popularly said, try to evangelize the benefits of yoga with your word. When someone praises your body or your vitality, admit that it is due to this practice. Feel free to recommend that your loved ones do as well. They can organize classes together!

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