Benefits Of Consuming Soaked Almonds

We may have ever heard it said that eating a handful of almonds a day can help us maintain brain health. This may be because in India this food has been considered to stimulate brain development in childhood and also helps maintain clarity of thought.

Next, we will see in greater detail the composition of almonds, their possible contributions to health and what benefits they could provide when consumed soaked.

Eating almonds, a small gesture with great potential


By itself, eating a handful of almonds a day does not keep our health always optimal. However, this simple habit does have the potential to help us maintain a healthier diet.

By choosing to eat a handful of natural almonds, instead of a bag of fried treats, we will be avoiding the damages that these types of edibles entail, and not only in terms of overweight and obesity.

If we incorporate foods as healthy as this into our diet, in moderate amounts, we can provide the body with part of the nutrients it needs to function properly.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation indicates that almonds are a source of: proteins, monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folates.

Discover: Health contributions of nuts according to science

Possible contributions of soaked almonds

According to some beliefs, to take full advantage of all the nutrients in almonds, we must soak them overnight before eating them.

By soaking them, we can more easily remove the brown shell that covers it and which, in turn, acts as an inhibitor of the natural enzymes of the almond itself. In addition, we get them softened and easier to chew and digest.

It is believed that by consuming 5 almonds soaked (or not) a day, you can:

  • Boost memory.
  • Improve skin health.
  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Facilitate the digestion process.
  • Get a certain amount of nutrients such as: vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium and also omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Support cardiovascular health

Myocardial infarction, how to prevent it?

Something we all know is that the most recommended dried fruit to take care of the heart is with the walnuts. Without e However, almonds are just as beneficial. Almonds help us reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol).

Eating 5 soaked almonds a day will help us make better use of its minerals and antioxidants to take care of veins and arteries, promote blood circulation and optimize the health of the lining of the arteries.

Nourish the skin

It is said that the soaked almonds are a good source of antioxidants (especially vitamin E). This vitamin appears first of all when the brown skin that covers it is removed from the almond.

Soaked almond beauty treatment

Almond flour

Soaked almonds can also be used to make a skin-care mask for extra pampering every now and then.

Once they have soaked overnight, we can pass them through a mincer to obtain a homogeneous paste. We can use this paste as a natural mask that we can apply and leave on for 20 minutes.

It is considered that with this natural treatment, our skin tone will improve, we will recover the lost shine and we will also accelerate the formation of new cells, due to the contribution of nutrients.

Final note

Soaked almonds can be a good supplement to the diet. However, we should not limit ourselves to consuming them only in this way. In order to maintain the variety, it is recommended that we opt for different ways of consuming almonds: natural, soaked, in smoothies, in salads, in desserts, etc.

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