14 Signs That May Indicate Thyroid Problems

Since there are many symptoms that we do not associate with thyroid problems (since they can also have another origin), it never hurts to consult a specialist

Imbalances in the thyroid or thyroid gland are more frequent than we think.

Symptoms may be silent or we may not pay attention to them. However, it is very important to know what are the signs that could indicate thyroid problems.

Discover the most frequent in this article, although you should not forget that if you think you have a problem in this gland, you should quickly consult your doctor.

What to know about the thyroid

The thyroid is a small gland located above the clavicle and is responsible for producing two very important hormones (T3 and T4).

The thyroid is located above the clavicle.

These regulate hormones are responsible for regulating growth, development or metabolism; as well as body temperature, heart rate or blood pressure.

If it does not work properly, it can lead to two problems: hyperthyroidism (produces more hormones than normal) and hypothyroidism (does not create enough).

Both occur due to an immune factor. That is, the antibodies influence the organ, making it work incorrectly.

Signs that may indicate a thyroid malfunction

Pay close attention to the signals that the body offers us and that can allow us to treat thyroid problems in time.

1. Sadness and depression

Mood can be altered by the thyroid, according to this study from the Osijek Hospital Clinic (Croatia). Also, there is no apparent reason to be sad or depressed.

When the gland produces few hormones, serotonin levels decrease and this results in negative feelings.

On the contrary, if the thyroid creates more hormones, it is more restless or irritated.

2. Changes in weight

If you have been practicing sports for a long time and follow a strict diet but cannot lose even one gram, it may be due to thyroid problems.

Changes in weight

The same happens if no matter how much you eat a lot, you cannot gain weight. Metabolic disorders have a lot to do with these imbalances.

3. Constipation

Problems with going to the bathroom, even if you eat vegetables and fibers, are one of the main signs of thyroid dysfunction.

If you have continuous constipation and that causes abdominal bloating or intestinal pain, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

4. Sleep disorders

For no apparent reason, you can’t sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night with a start. Problems falling asleep, recurring nightmares, and insomnia are related to the thyroid gland. This is stated in this study by Dr. Jaime M. Monti.

It also manifests itself with an increased need for sleep and difficulty getting up early. An underactive thyroid often slows down bodily functions.

5. Joint pain

Joint pain can be due to various pathologies or even to daily habits such as, for example, doing a lot of exercise or lifting too much weight.

According to this research by Dr. Delamere JD, poor thyroid function can also lead to joint pain, especially in the arms and legs. We must pay attention because, in turn, it could cause fibromyalgias.

6. Dry skin

In these cases, it is not enough to use different creams or oils to moisten the skin, since it is always dry and “flaky”.

The legs and the face are the two places where this change can be most noticeable. Also in the armpits and on the scalp dryness is identified. In many cases, it is due to  less sweating than normal and is due to thyroid problems.

7. High cholesterol

The strange thing about seeing blood tests that indicate high cholesterol is when you eat a balanced diet and eat almost no fat.

When a person suffers from hypothyroidism, their body’s metabolism is slower and it cannot burn fat properly. For this reason, cholesterol and triglycerides rise, according to this research from the University of Athens (Greece).

8. Loss of libido

The lack of sexual interest may be related to a problem in the thyroid gland. Mood upset, weight gain, and joint pain can worsen this loss of libido.

9. Neck discomfort

Neck discomfort may be due to a thyroid problem.

Moving the neck in certain directions results in a kind of pressure that does not allow swallowing well. Hoarseness is another of the symptoms of thyroid disorders. This is because the gland increases in size and “hits” with the windpipe.

10. Muscle aches

Making a movement that you are not used to becomes a nightmare for days, since the pain does not subside.

If, in addition, some parts of the body fall asleep quickly, it would be good to go to the doctor for a general check-up.

11. Hair loss

Hair loss may be due to very dry skin on the scalp, or to metabolism problems associated with the thyroid gland.

A bit of hair shed when bathing or brushing is not abnormal, but it is to be left with clumps of hair when touching the head. It’s also not natural to see a handful of hair on your pillow every morning.

Hair loss can also occur on the eyebrows, as well as hair on the legs, armpits or pubis, which can take time to grow and, when they do, are very fine and fragile.

12. Palpitations

Your heart beats so fast that you can feel it even if you are lying on the sofa or lying down.

Woman with palpitations.

If you notice the pulsations in your neck or wrists without problems and you have not exerted or exerted … it may be because your thyroid gland is producing too many hormones.

13. Elevated blood pressure

Hypertension can be due to different reasons and therefore doctors do not associate it, in principle, with the thyroid.

However, when you take medications to control it, or eat a healthy diet and your blood pressure is still high, you may have to take a look at this gland located in the neck. This is suggested by this study from Debrecen University (Hungary).

14. Changes in appetite

Perhaps before you did not want to eat at all times, but now, 30 minutes cannot go by without you being hungry or wanting a different type of food (and more fatty, sugary or salty).

Perhaps the opposite is true and if before you ate 4 times a day, now you only do it twice. All these changes can be caused by alterations in your thyroid.

Have you already taken note of all the problems that the thyroid could cause you? Do not be alarmed. Now, if you think that the situation could be serious, we remind you again of the need to consult a specialist.

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