How To Remove Small Cysts With Clay, Turmeric And Fenugreek

If you suffer from small benign cysts, you can try exfoliating them with this natural and anti-inflammatory remedy.

Sometimes, small cysts appear on the skin that can be the result of ingrown hairs, fat balls (sebaceous cysts), boils or some particle that has remained inside the skin. These tend to become inflamed and sometimes infect, which can make them very uncomfortable and painful. Next, discover how you can prepare a natural remedy to eliminate them.

If you have doubts about the cause of the cyst, do not hesitate to visit your doctor. Only he can give you a proper diagnosis, in addition to recommending the best treatment to follow.

Three ingredients for a natural remedy

Ayurveda medicine uses the three ingredients that make up this home remedy hundreds of years ago to alleviate different ailments. Some of its properties have been scientifically corroborated, do you want to know which ones?


Clay or mud is a home remedy that has been used since ancient times to help extract particles from the pores of the skin. Although existing scientific studies have not been able to prove the efficacy of its use, those who have used it maintain that it would help to achieve the eradication of small cysts.

In addition, it is believed that it would have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which is why it would promote healing. On the other hand, an investigation in 2011 concluded that it has antibacterial effects.

Although clay is rich in minerals that vary according to the color and type of clay, for the preparation of this home remedy you can use the one you have at home. The most common are red and green clay.

When handling clay, it is recommended to use a glass or wooden container, as well as utensils. This is due to the belief that metal and plastic could affect its composition.


Turmeric is a spice used thousands of years ago by alternative medicine. Different studies, like this one from Foods from the year 2017, have shown the antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties of curcumin, the main component of turmeric.

Thus, this spice could be used to fight infections, reduce inflammation and improve healing processes ; In other words, it would alleviate the swelling generated by the cyst and take care of the skin.


Fenugreek, also known as fenugreek, is the most unknown ingredient in this remedy for removing small cysts. Its internal use would lower blood sugar and lipid levels, according to data from the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research .

On the other hand,  in its external use it stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, fenugreek poultices are known for their alleged ability to ripen cystic pimples or other similar boils.

Remedy for small cysts

To take advantage of all the previously mentioned properties of the three spices, it is recommended to prepare the remedy in the form of a poultice. Do not worry, it is very easy and fast to do.


  • 5 tablespoons of green or red clay (50 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (10 g).
  • 1 ½ glass of mineral or filtered water, never from the tap (300 ml).
  • 5 tablespoons of crushed or powdered fenugreek seeds (50 g).


  • Boil the crushed fenugreek seeds for 10 minutes. After this time, you will be able to see how the water acquires a creamy texture.
  • Let it cool down a bit and add the clay and turmeric. Always try to use wooden or glass utensils.
  • If it’s too thick, you can add a little more water. The final texture should be creamy.

    anti-inflammatory remedy topical lotion turmeric

    How to use

    To benefit from all the properties mentioned at the beginning of this article and thus eliminate cysts, you should apply the poultice by following the steps below :

    1. Spread a good amount on the affected area while it is still warm, but without burning.
    2. Cover it with a cotton, linen, or similar natural fabric.
    3. If it is an area that you are going to move , you will make a bandage, always being careful not to squeeze the affected area.
    4. Leave on for 30 minutes or until dry.
    5. Repeat this application twice a day, until the cyst opens. At that time, you will treat it like an infected wound.
    6. In no case will you use the poultice you have already used again.
    7. You can keep what you haven’t used in the fridge. If it gets too dry, you add a little hot water before using it again.

    Tips to consider

    Turmeric may temporarily tint your skin a bit. You must be very careful not to stain your clothes, since it is a very strong dye and removing it from your clothes can be an impossible mission.

    This remedy is designed for small benign cysts of which you know the origin. In no case is it intended for lumps that appear suddenly. If you have doubts, you should always consult your GP.

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