These 6 Habits Make Your Life Bitter

Many times we are sad, anguished or angry and we do not know very well what it is due to. Perhaps it is because we get carried away by certain adverse everyday situations. In this article we will tell you what habits make your life bitter so that you can identify them and then eradicate them.

It seems that it is much easier to see the negative side of things than the positive; focus on what is wrong, on the obstacles that do not allow us to continue or on the problems and difficulties. Believe it or not, we are responsible for not being happy.

Pay attention to these habits: they make your life bitter

Take a look at what habits make your life bitter and do your best to eliminate them from your day-to-day life. Being aware of them is the first step in being able to change.

1. Compare yourself with the others

Each being is special and unique. However, we spend many hours comparing ourselves to others: I am taller, fatter, less intelligent, less wealthy. Although comparison can help us in some cases, the truth is that comparing yourself with others is not good and makes your life bitter.

Of course others will have abilities that you will not, but remember that you have gifts that others do not have. It is like a kind of “balance”. Do not feel inferior to anyone, do not belittle your achievements or consider that your problems are greater than those of the rest.

2. Thinking that life is hard

Some ideas that have been instilled in us since we were little: you have to work hard to earn a living, they don’t give you anything here, everything is difficult, we have to overcome thousands of obstacles, etc. Nobody says that things are simple, but it is not about constant suffering.

Even those people who have suffered very great traumas have been able to get ahead and enjoy the little things that life gives us every day. Perhaps, if that is your case, you should lean on your family, friends, or seek professional help.

Perhaps, being so focused on the negative, you do not realize that our existence can be really simple. Also if we say that “life is hard” we are excusing ourselves when something does not go well : we are a kind of victims who stand idly by without solving a situation.

3. Be a perfectionist

Accept that you are a perfectionist

A person who is a perfectionist is not the one who makes everything perfect, but the one who wants everything to be perfect. It seems like a play on words, but there is a big difference that you must recognize.

If you get upset when things don’t go the way you expected, if you don’t accept challenges or projects for fear that you won’t be “out of ten”, or if you consider that mediocre is a mistake, then you should know that you are a perfectionist. Why do these habits make your life bitter?

  • You don’t enjoy doing something.
  • You don’t accept “mistakes.”
  • You need to have everything under control.
  • You demand too much of yourself (of yourself and others)
  • You are an “extreme” person who does not accept nuances (black or white, all or nothing, on your side or against you, etc.).

It is not wrong to want perfection in certain tasks or to seek excellence in what you do. However, the problem is how you deal with the situation.

Perhaps during the process you have a very bad time, you are in a bad mood, you cannot sleep or you fear that you are going to be wrong. That is the negative within perfectionism.

4. Don’t forgive

When we do not forgive, others or ourselves, we accumulate resentment, pain and anguish. These emotions turn into bitterness and unhappiness.

Any act that we consider an offense or that has made us suffer can become a “ghost” lurking, which appears at any time and makes our lives bitter. Forgiving is not always easy, because we have hurt our own love or because we think that the other will harm us again.

However, we must forgive in order to heal ourselves and to understand that others can make mistakes. When you have truly forgiven you will feel a great relief inside you: “take a weight off yourself.”

5. Postpone tasks

Procrastination is one of the habits that make your life bitter

Procrastination is also one of the habits that make your life bitter because it does not allow you to complete any task and you are always “behind.”

The delay of obligations can go from an exception to a rule and is usually caused by fear of failure or doubts about our capabilities.

Avoiding tasks works against us because at some point we must do them. That might mean staying for a weekend working or until dawn ordering.

When the pending things accumulate we feel stress, anxiety and bad mood. To change this attitude, the first thing we must do is understand its cause.

Perhaps it is because we do not know where to start, because the task is very difficult and we feel overwhelmed. Perhaps we do not have all the necessary tools or we may not even like what we do.

6. Feeling guilty

Guilt is one of our great enemies, and of course it makes life bitter in many ways. You believe that you do not deserve anything, that you cannot achieve what you set out to do, that you have no right to happiness or that you should not have said or acted in such a way.

Freeing yourself from guilt is another way to feel free and light. Do not feel bad if things do not go well for you or stay “ruminating” about something that happened.

We know that it is not easy to change your habits from one day to the next, but little by little you will be able to free yourself from those things that make life bitter. After doing so, you will feel much better about yourself and will be able to live a more productive and peaceful life.

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