Properties Of Lemon And Natural Remedies

Lemon belongs to the citrus group and is widely valued for its health benefits. Do not you believe it? In this article we will be explaining the health properties of lemon.

However, keep in mind that the foundation of a good diet is based on variety. No single food has magical properties, all positive effects are based on its inclusion in a proper context.

The properties of lemon

Known for its flavor and its use in gastronomy worldwide, the lemon is the fruit of the lemon tree, an aromatic perennial tree of the Citrus genus . Coming from Asia, today its cultivation is carried out in tropical and subtropical areas.

It contains a high concentration of vitamin C and citric acid, which directly influences the properties of lemon. It also provides potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in good quantities.

Lemon is considered useful in sweet and savory dishes, as well as for making beverages. In addition, the juice serves to make the water drinkable and inhibit some microorganisms, its leaves to scent rooms and furniture and even the wood of the tree is appreciated for cabinetmaking work.

But did you know that lemon is beneficial for health in many ways?

6 health benefits of lemon

Woman drinking a lemon infusion.

We are going to comment on the main health benefits of lemon, as well as the position of science on the matter.

1.-Antiseptic and disinfectant

This fruit is  a natural antiseptic  for which it is useful in the disinfection of wounds. It prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, in addition to accelerating the healing of the skin.

2.-Protection of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation

Who was going to tell you that lemon helps prevent cardiovascular disease? It is suggested that its consumption provides numerous antioxidants that promote the proper functioning of the heart and  the strengthening of the walls of the blood vessels.  It also promotes blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and fights clot formation.

This is due to its potassium content, an essential nutrient to help modulate blood pressure, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology.

3.- Protection of the liver, kidneys, bladder and digestive system

Lemon facilitates digestion and stimulates liver functions . Among other things, it promotes the elimination of toxins, thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Besides, its vitamin C content is essential to guarantee the proper functioning of the body’s defense system. This is evidenced by research published in Nutrients .

4.-Joint pain and inflammation 

Citric acid, as well as other oleic components, are anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. This is why lemon essential oil is an excellent remedy for tendonitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatism. Also, eating lemon helps  fight joint pain.

It should be noted that vitamin C itself is a key element in the synthesis of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body. Increasing the contribution of the micronutrient has been shown to contribute to a more efficient genesis of the protein, generating a benefit on the health of the tissues.

5.- Protection of skin, hair and nails

Lemon components have been used in numerous cosmetics. The antioxidant effect of vitamin C favors cell turnover, collagen formation and calcium fixation. Therefore, this fruit helps us fight skin aging, fortify nails and hair by just applying a few drops after washing them. Do not forget to rinse with plenty of water.

Certainly when applied topically it clears the skin, exfoliates it and restores its radiance. It is recognized as the ideal ally for skin that tends to be a bit dull and greasy due to the properties of lemon and its components on the skin.

Finally, we did not want to let you go without proposing 3 useful remedies made with lemon.

Lemon natural remedies

Prepare the following remedies to alleviate some common health problems.

To combat a sore throat

honey and lemon

Flavonoids, antioxidant components in lemon, help reduce throat inflammation. In turn, honey also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • 250 ml of water.


Bring the water to a boil. Place the honey and lemon in a large mug. Add the hot water, stir and drink immediately. Use this remedy as much as you need it.

To treat acne

This mask will allow you to effectively cleanse the skin. Make sure to test on a less sensitive area to ensure that the preparation is not too harsh for you.


  • 2 tablespoons of clay.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil.


In a mug, place the clay and lemon juice . Add the 2 drops of peppermint oil and the drop of tea tree oil. Mix well and apply the mask to the area of ​​your forehead, nose and chin. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Include lemon in the diet to improve health

As you have seen, lemon has several beneficial properties for health. For this reason, we recommend that you include it in the usual diet, although it is important that it has a wide variety. Also, do not forget to exercise frequently.

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